
Located in southwestern Africa, Namibia boasts a well-developed infrastructure, some of the best tourist facilities in Africa, and an impressive list of breathtaking natural wonders. Visitors can explore the capital of Windhoek and discover the lovely coastal town of Swakopmund boasting remnants of the country’s German influence, reflected in the architecture, culture, cuisine and the annual Oktoberfest celebrations. To properly appreciate this extraordinary country, you will have to venture out of the cities to explore the remarkable natural landscapes Namibia has to offer. These include: the impressive Fish River Canyon; the vast Etosha National Park teeming with abundant wildlife, such as lions, desert-adapted elephants and the Hartmann's Mountain Zebra; the hauntingly beautiful Kalahari Desert; and of course the Namib Desert stretching for over 2000 km along the magnificent Atlantic Coast. Namibia is an ideal destination for travellers seeking an unforgettable African experience in a uniquely beautiful untamed wilderness.

Entry Requirements


It is the responsibility of the client to obtain their own visas.  

Most Passport holders require a visa to enter Namibia. The visa's are obtained free of charge at the port of entry.

Please Note:

  1. Evidence of Yellow Fever immunization will be requested to gain entry if you are arriving from a Yellow Fever Country. Please ensure you have had the inoculation at least 14 days prior to travel and are carrying your Yellow Fever card. 
  2. It is a requirement that you have a validity of 6 months on your passport at the time of travel and at least 4 blank pages in order to gain entry

Banking and Currency


The currency of Namibia is The Namibian Dollar (NAD; symbol N$) is in note denominations of N$200, 100, 50, 20 and 10. Coins are in denominations of N$5, N$1, 50 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents. It is linked to the South African Rand (R) on a 1:1 basis (South African Rand = 100 cents). The South African Rand is also acceptable as currency in Namibia.

The import and export of local currency is limited to N$50,000. The import of foreign currency is unlimited, provided sums equal to or exceeding NAD5,000 are declared on arrival. Export of foreign currency is unlimited up to the amount imported and declared.


Banking hours: Monday - Friday 09h00 to 15h30 and Satuday 08h30 to 11h00

Banks are found in most towns, with most being closed on Sundays and public holidays. Most of them offer foreign exchange services - with cash, bank and credit cards as well as travellers  cheques. 

American Express, Diners Club, Mastercard and Visa are accepted. Credit cards are not usually accepted at petrol stations, so bear this in mind when you visit the ATM. Setting aside an emergency petrol cash fund is a good idea if you’re planning to drive.

You can also obtain cash from many of the ATMs. Several international banks have branches in main city centres. Always advise your bank that you are travelling outside of the country as they might block your purchases if they have not been informed. 

To avoid additional exchange rate charges, take traveller's cheques in US Dollars or South African Rand. In general, you can expect a better exchange rate for traveller’s cheques than for cash.


Travel, Transport and Getting Around

It is easy to travel around Namibia by car, and a 2WD vehicle is perfectly adaquate for most journeys. However, long distances, poor mobile phone coverage outside of main towns and infrequent petrol stations that only accept cash mean that planning ahead is vital.

There are major airlines that fly into Windhoek and Swakopmund. Other destinations are reachable by car or charter flight. 

Namibians drive on the left and all signposts are in English. Seat belts must be worn at all times and talking in a mobile phone while driving is prohibited. The general speed limit is 120km/h on tarred roads outside of towns and 100km/h on gravel roads. In built up areas, the speed limit is 60km/h.

Safety Notices

All camps have 24 hour radio contact with their base support headquarters, and each game-drive vehicle has radio contact with camp.

The daily camp tariff includes an amount for emergency evacuation insurance, and in the event of a medical emergency evacuation will be arranged to the nearest town. This is where your own insurance cover will begin.


Quad-band cell phones on global roaming generally work from all major urban centres. They do not, however, work from many of the safari camps due to limited reception.


Internet access is limited throughout Africa and varies from camp to camp. Please refer to the camp information for specific details.


We strongly recommend you review the current travel advice for your country/countries of destination before booking and ensure you remain up to date with this advice before travelling.





We recommend that you register your travel with your local authority. These services are free and help locate you in case of an emergency. Updates to travel advice are also provided through the subscription service.

Australia - Smart Traveller service -

USA - Smart Traveller service -

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Food and water safety: 
Can you drink the tap water: Yes 
Fresh fruit and veg: Yes 
Ice: Yes 
Meat: Yes 
Street food: Yes 

Local cuisine: 
Namibian cuisine features a rich blend of German and South African influences, with a focus on grilled meats and fish. Dishes like Biltong (dried, spiced meat), Kapana (grilled meat from street vendors), and Potjiekos (slow-cooked meat and vegetable stew) are popular. Seafood is also abundant along the coast. 

Popular local drinks include Windhoek Lager and Tafel Lager, locally brewed beers. 

Tipping: customary, usually around 10-15% in restaurants. 

Climate and Weather

Annual rainfall: Varies from under 50 mm in the desert to over 700 mm in the Caprivi Strip 
Average temperature: 20°C 

Average highs: 30°C 
Average lows: 15°C 

Average highs: 20°C 
Average lows: 5°C 

Best time to visit: 
The best time to visit Namibia is during the cooler dry months from May to October when wildlife viewing is at its best in parks like Etosha National Park. The weather is pleasant for exploring the desert landscapes and other outdoor activities. 

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 
Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: No 

Winter and Autumn 
Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Recommended 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: Yes 

Umbrella and raincoat: Yes 
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: No 
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses, and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes 


Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Yes 
Public parks: No 
Libraries: Yes 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Current is 220/240 volts at 50 cycles per second.

The South African three-point round-pin adapter plug is used in Namibia - official name of BS 546. Type M is a “15 A/250 V” version of electric plug D: 220/230V 50 Hz

Such adapters are also available at major airports.

General Guidance


It is highly recommended that clients obtain comprehensive Travel Insurance cover. Please furnish Epic with a copy of your insurance policy prior to travel.
If you require assistance with travel insurance please click on the following link - Travel Insurance.

  • Hospitalisation and Repatriation
  • Cancellation and Missed flight connections
  • Loss of baggage and loss/breakage of valuables en route
  • Loss/breakage of valuables such as cameras


Digital cameras are the best for wildlife, with a good zoom up to 300mm or more. If you have an SLR it is a good idea to bring a point and shoot as back up. Remember to bring plenty of memory cards, spare batteries and battery chargers (Please check that you have all your chargers for cell phones, iPods, kindles, camera and video batteries).

If you need to or are interested in hiring a lense to take with you, here are a couple of websites for you to take a look at:

In the USA  -

In Australia - or


Although tipping is not compulsory, if service expectations are exceeded, we recommend the following:

  • Airport/Hotel/ Porters carriers – USD2.00 per porter
  • Professional Guides/Tour Leaders – USD20.00 per group per day
  • Safari Driver/Guides – USD15.00 per group per day. This should be handed to the guide personally
  • General Camp Staff – USD10 .00 per guest per day. This can be placed in a communal tip box or handed to the camp manager.

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