Buenos Aires

Days 1 - 2

Situated on Argentina’s stunning Rio de la Plata coast, Buenos Aires is a thriving portside capital defined by a rich history, vibrant culture, and strong European influence - thus nicknamed the Paris of South America. Countless museums covering a cornucopia of subjects; an active theatre culture; carnivorous buffets second to none; sensuous tango performances; a mosaic of architecture; and shops to fit all fancies – all these facets and more make up the seductive blend that is Buenos Aires. Some of the city’s highlights include the buzz of the La Bombonera Stadium; tango and milonga venues like the Bohemian La Catedral; and heritage architecture such as that at the Cementerio de la Recoleta, where visitors can wander through a ‘city’ of massive statues and marble mausoleums. Don’t miss the International Festival of Independent Cinema and the vibrant annual Pride Parade.

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Days 2 - 3

Corrientes is the capital of the province of the same name, located in northeast Argentina on the eastern shore of the Parana River. An attractive city with a compelling mix of historic and modern architecture, Corrientes is home to some interesting sights and attractions, and makes an excellent stopover between the Jesuit ruins of Misiones and the Iguazu Falls. Begin at the wonderful waterfront promenade known as La Costanera, a tree-lined walkway which includes golden beaches, and then check out the city’s fine clutch of museums, including the Museo de Artesanias Tradicionales Folcloricas, an active artisanal craft centre, and the Museo Historico de Corrientes, a local history museum. Trips to the nearby Parque Esteros del Ibera – a protected wetland area inhabited by some exotic wildlife such as kayman and capybara – are also highly recommended.


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El Impenetrable National Park

Days 3 - 6

In northwest Argentina's Chaco Province, nestled between pristine native forests and teeming with wildlife, lies El Impenetrable National Park. Unveiled in 2014, this expansive area, covering 128,000 hectares, ranks among the country's newest and largest national parks. The park boasts a captivating landscape dominated by quebracho wood, renowned for its hardness. The winding Teuco River sustains various species, including tapirs, anteaters, jaguars, maned wolves, pumas, and diverse birdlife. El Impenetrable beckons nature enthusiasts with its untamed beauty, offering opportunities for exploration and wildlife encounters.



Days 6 - 7

As previously described


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Ibera Wetlands

Days 7 - 10

This watery Eden in northern Argentina is a natural paradise of flora and fauna, covering an area of approximately 15,000 km². It is one of the most important freshwater reservoirs on the continent and the second-largest wetland in the world (after the Pantanal in Brazil). Located 800 km north of Buenos Aires, the wetlands are of pluvial origin, formed by abundant rainfall over thousands of years. Bird-watchers flock to its watery canals to seek out the 350-plus avaian species that can be found there. The Ibera Wetlands are also home to capybaras, howler monkeys, caiman, deer, otters, and anacondas.


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Northeast Argentina

Days 10 - 11

Northeast Argentina includes the provinces of Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Ríos. It is home to one of the world’s most magnificent waterfalls - the cascading Iguazu. This beautiful area is traversed by the meandering rivers of Iguazu, Parana, and Uruguay; vast wetlands alive with a variety of birdlife; and a host of vibrant cities. Visitors can explore the colonial architecture of Santa Fe, visit the stylish city of Corrientes, and discover the capital city of Posadas, which serves as the gateway remnants of the Jesuit missions. A variety of beautiful National Parks dot the Northeast, home to an array of wildlife. Other popular attractions include the enthralling Mocona Falls and the serene Esteros del Ibera wetlands.


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Northeast Argentina

Days 11 - 14

As previously described

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Buenos Aires

Days 14 - 15

As previously described

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