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Namib's Valley of a Thousand Hills

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Välj en Startplats
Head southwest on Mandume Ndemufayo Ave / C26

Continue on the C26 for 188km

The gate will be on your left-hand-side

Head south on Nathaniel Maxuilili / B2

Continue onto B2

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto C14/M36

Continue to follow C14

Turn left onto C26

The gate will be on your right-hand-side

Turn right onto the C26

Head northeast on the C26

Continue to follow C26 for 188km

Turn left onto C26

Continue to follow C14

At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto B2

Head north on Nathaniel Maxuilili / B2 toward Swakopmund

Välj en Startplats
Head southwest on Mandume Ndemufayo Ave / C26

Continue on the C26 for 188km

The gate will be on your left-hand-side

Head south on Nathaniel Maxuilili / B2

Continue onto B2

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto C14/M36

Continue to follow C14

Turn left onto C26

The gate will be on your right-hand-side

Turn right onto the C26

Head northeast on the C26

Continue to follow C26 for 188km

Turn left onto C26

Continue to follow C14

At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto B2

Head north on Nathaniel Maxuilili / B2 toward Swakopmund


Namib's Valley of a Thousand Hills

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