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Fundu Lagoon

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Wskazówki dojazdu

Wybierz lokalizację początkową
he first stage of the transfer is by vehicle to the ferry port, Mkonai, which takes approximately 35 – 40 minutes

We then provide a private boat service to Fundu Lagoon, which take 10 – 20 minutes depending on the tides.

Wskazówki dojazdu
Wybierz lokalizację początkową
he first stage of the transfer is by vehicle to the ferry port, Mkonai, which takes approximately 35 – 40 minutes

We then provide a private boat service to Fundu Lagoon, which take 10 – 20 minutes depending on the tides.

Formularz kontaktowy

Fundu Lagoon

*Wymagane pola

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Adres email *
Numer telefonu *
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Przybliżony czas wyjazdu
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