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Pamarah Lodge

Dirección física

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Como llegar

Por favor, escoja un lugar de salida
Travel into Victoria Falls town

Turn left into Reynard Road at Cresta Sprayview.

Proceed until you see the Seven Eleven shop on your left.

Turn left at Seven Eleven into Manyika Road.

Take the 2nd right into Nguhwuma Crescent.

Pamarah Lodge is approx 150m along on the left side of the road.

Continue along the Kazangula Road towards Victoria Falls until you reach the T-junction; this is the main road into Victoria Falls town.

Turn left towards town.

Turn left into Reynard Road at Cresta Sprayview.

Proceed until you see the Seven Eleven shop on your left.

Turn left at Seven Eleven into Manyika Road.

Take the 2nd right into Nguhwuma Crescent.

Pamarah Lodge is approx 150m along on the left side of the road.

Como llegar
Por favor, escoja un lugar de salida
Travel into Victoria Falls town

Turn left into Reynard Road at Cresta Sprayview.

Proceed until you see the Seven Eleven shop on your left.

Turn left at Seven Eleven into Manyika Road.

Take the 2nd right into Nguhwuma Crescent.

Pamarah Lodge is approx 150m along on the left side of the road.

Continue along the Kazangula Road towards Victoria Falls until you reach the T-junction; this is the main road into Victoria Falls town.

Turn left towards town.

Turn left into Reynard Road at Cresta Sprayview.

Proceed until you see the Seven Eleven shop on your left.

Turn left at Seven Eleven into Manyika Road.

Take the 2nd right into Nguhwuma Crescent.

Pamarah Lodge is approx 150m along on the left side of the road.

Formulario de Consulta

Pamarah Lodge

*Vaega manaomia

Nombre de Pila *
Apellido *
Correo Electrónico *
Número de Teléfono *
País de Residencia
Salida Aproximada
Nº de días
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