Saruni Samburu
Dirección física
Mokoyeti West Rd, Off Langata Road,
Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
¿Desde dónde partes?
Como llegar
Por favor, escoja un lugar de salida
Como llegar
Por favor, escoja un lugar de salida
Leave Nairobi using Thika Road, headed North towards Nanyuki on the new "Chinese Highway".
Keep on the Nyeri Karatina highway and turn right at Marwa Town - 12 kms from Karatina town;
Head North, out of Nanyuki, via Timau and towards Isiolo, basically staying on the main road;
From Isiolo keep going North towards Archer's Post;
At Archer’s Post stay on the highway and keep North; do not enter the Samburu National Reserve and do not go through the Archer’s Post gate;
At exactly 8 km after Archer’s Post, down on the left-hand side, you will see a sign that reads: ‘Kalama Conservancy/Saruni Camp’, leave the
The distance between Kalama gate and Saruni is 12 km, follow the main dirt road, keeping the distinctive Thumb Rock, as a reference point.
Drive STRAIGHT down the road and you will soon see a stone signage ‘Saruni. Welcome to Saruni Airstrip’, with a road off to the right. Pass
At the next junction turn RIGHT. There is no sign.
Continue STRAIGHT down the main road (following our tractor tracks towards the lodge).
A seldom used road will form a crossroads with your road. Ignore this and continue STRAIGHT.
You will then have to cross a large dry river bed/lugga.
When you come to another junction with a stone signage ‘Saruni. The Loop’ continue STRAIGHT along the main track (veer LEFT).
You will soon come across a sign saying ‘Saruni 2 km’ at the next junction. Go STRAIGHT (veer RIGHT).
From here, follow the most used road all the way to the lodge which should appear on a rocky hill, in front of you to the LEFT.
N.B. The drive from Nairobi to Saruni Samburu takes approximately 5-6 hours.
From here, follow the most used road all the way to the lodge which should appear on a rocky hill, in front of you to the LEFT.
You will soon come across a sign saying ‘Saruni 2 km’ at the next junction. Go STRAIGHT (veer RIGHT).
When you come to another junction with a stone signage ‘Saruni. The Loop’ continue STRAIGHT along the main track (veer LEFT).
You will then have to cross a large dry river bed/lugga.
A seldom used road will form a crossroads with your road. Ignore this and continue STRAIGHT;
Continue STRAIGHT down the main road (following our tractor tracks towards the lodge);
At the next junction turn RIGHT. There is no sign;
Drive STRAIGHT down the road and you will soon see a stone signage ‘Saruni. Welcome to Saruni Airstrip’, with a road off to the right. Pass
The distance between Kalama gate and Saruni is 12 km, follow the main dirt road, keeping the distinctive Thumb Rock, as a reference point;
At exactly 8 km after Archer’s Post, down on the left-hand side, you will see a sign that reads: ‘Kalama Conservancy/Saruni Camp;
At Archer's Post stay on the highway and keep South; do not enter the Samburu National Reserve and do not go through the Archer's Post Gate;
From Archer's Post, keep going South towards Isiolo;
Head South, out of Isiolo, past Timau and towards Nanyuki basically staying on the main road all the way;
Keep on the Nyeri Karatina highway and through Karatina;
12kms after Karatina town, turn left at Marwa Town;
Heading south on the Thika Road, re-enter Nairobi