Zanzibar Palace Hotel
Physische Adresse
Kiponda area housenumber 831
Stone Town, Zanzibar
Mail address:
Zanzibar Palace Hotel
P.O.Box 3392
Wo ist Ihr starktpunkt?
Bitte einen start standort wählen
Bitte einen start standort wählen
Arrive at the Ferry Terminal - Zanzibar
Exit the Ferry Terminal
Turn right onto Mizingani Rd
Turn left onto Jamatini Rd at the parking lot
Follow the tarmac road, after 100 meter you arrive
Head south toward Nyerere Rd
Turn left onto Nyerere Rd
Turn right
At the roundabout, continue straight onto Mlandege Rd
Turn left onto Malawi Rd
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Mizingani Rd
Turn left onto Jamatini Rd