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Mboko Lodge

Guided Forest Walks

Mboko Lodge és la llar d'aventures. Una experiència safari d'intimitat inigualable, les nostres passejades guiades revelen l'esplendor de la conca congolesa i les seves pristines selves tropicals. Tranquil·les, reverents i sense pressa, fomenten una comprensió més profunda d'aquest preuat ecosistema i de la flora i fauna que alberga. Escolteu els sons del bosc, oloreu la humitat rosada i sentiu-vos connectats a alguna cosa més gran que vosaltres mateixos. Mireu ocells amb plomatge impressionant i plantes tan rares que encara no han estat nomenades. Cada passeig promet alguna cosa diferent — li toca a la natura voluble decidir. Però cada un sol acabar en un deliciós àpat casolà o una deliciosa ronda de postes de sol en un entorn únic.

Durant el vostre temps a Mboko Lodge, tindreu l'oportunitat de veure una increïble varietat de fauna salvatge:
*Búfala forestal
* Bushbuck aprofitat
*Elefant del bosc (esquiu)
*Hiena tacada (esquiva)
*Bongo (rar)
*Western Sitatunga
*Micos Colobus Blanc i Negre (Guereza)
* Mangabey de galetes grises
*Mico de nas maco
*El mico de De Brazza (esquiu)
*Ximpanzé (rar)
*Cocodril de musell prim (rar)
*Cocodril nan (rar)
*Hipopòtam (rar)
* Rica en vida d'ocells

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Kayak the Lekoli River

Submergeix el teu pàdel a les vies d'aigua verges de la conca del Congo i explora el desert des d'un nou angle. Mentre vas a la deriva, mantingueu els ulls oberts (i la càmera preparada) per a micos cavorting, ocells de colors i elefants, búfals i antílops que pasturen a les ribes. Permeteu que la bellesa i la tranquil·litat del vostre entorn calmin la vostra ànima.

Des del llançament del vaixell just a prop de Mboko Lodge, explorareu el suau riu Lekoli i els seus camins i baïs juntament amb el vostre guia. No es requereix experiència; es recomana una bossa seca per protegir la càmera i altres equips.

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River boat cruise

Explora l'entorn fluvial des de la comoditat d'un motor a l'aire lliure, creuer per les sinuoses vies d'aigua i contemplant la seva sorprenent biodiversitat: elefants, búfals aquàtics, micos, ocells, insectes i innombrables arbres i plantes. Els creuers del matí us situen al cor de la selva despertant; els creuers de la tarda estan capficats per la grandesa gossamer d'una posta de sol africana.

Els creuers fluvials surten del llançament d'embarcacions situat just a l'exterior de Mboko Lodge. Els nostres skiffs són senzills però còmodes i dissenyats per permetre'ns explorar el riu Lekoli i els seus afluents, aigües posteriors i baïs, alhora que minimitzen el nostre impacte en el medi ambient.

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Wade through the river

Mulla't i embruta't explorant el riu a peu al teu ritme.

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Explore the open grasslands on foot

Els túmuls de tèrmits envellits són la carta de presentació de Mboko i volten el paisatge.

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Boating – Lekoli River

The Lekoli River in the Lango region offers one of the best chances to observe the wildlife of the forest since visibility here is greater than within the canopy.

We make use of motorised aluminium boats and traditional pirogues to travel against the river currents whilst the most rewarding time is spent drifting silently downstream searching the beautiful forested banks for Forest Elephant, Forest Buffalo, primate species like Putty-nosed Monkey and de Brazza’s Monkey and birds.

Although Hippo do occur, their numbers are low and they are seldom seen.

Bongo antelope are an exciting possible sighting. Crocodiles are represented by two harmless species, the Slender-snouted Crocodile and the African Dwarf Crocodile. Chimpanzees are regular in this area although more often heard than seen.

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Walking – Lango Bai, Gallery Forest & Savannah Fringe

Exploring the Lango and Mboko areas on foot offer many great wildlife viewing opportunities. The area’s savannah, marsh, swamp forest and riverine forest are home to Forest Elephant and Forest Buffalo, both of which are regularly encountered. Stalking quietly along forest trails can produce sightings of Red River Hog and shy forest birds. Monkeys are also often encountered and interestingly, the riverine and swamp forest is home to no less than eight monkey species. Guereza Colobus, Grey-cheeked Mangabey and Putty-nosed Monkey are regularly seen. With a bit of luck one may encounter Crowned and Moustached Monkeys, De Brazza’s Monkey and Northern Talapoin.

Walking is also the best way to study the ne detail of the forest – insects, fungi, orchids, animal tracks and birds are all part of the show. The soundtrack is provided by a chorus of frogs, birds and insects whilst monkeys and other creatures hoot, scream and grunt in the background. Walking in the Lango area is adventurous as the area is very wet. Trails have been opened to allow access to the main areas, but one often returns to camp with wet and muddy shoes and even other parts of your clothing as proof of the adventure!

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Driving – Mboko and Lango Savannah

Game viewing vehicles are used in the Lango and Mboko areas primarily to access the region’s diverse attractions rather than for game viewing. We use the vehicles to get to and from walking and boating activities.

In the early mornings and late evenings a drive along the forest edge offers a different perspective of the landscape. Wildlife that is often seen along the forest edge includes Forest Elephant, Forest Buffalo and Western Sitatunga.

After a sundowner stop, we continue to explore the savannah and forest edge, spotlighting in search of rarely seen and shy nocturnal creatures. Some of the elusive species that can be encountered with a bit of luck include Spotted Hyaena, Aardvark, Leopard, Golden Cat, Emin’s Pouched Rat, Palm Civet and two species of Pangolin. This is also a good time to search for some of the many owls that occur here, whilst both Long-tailed and Swamp Nightjars are common all year round.

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Cooling off – Lekoli River

The perfect place to end a forest or adventure walk is our river deck at Mboko Camp. Replete with comfortable chairs and a view of the surrounding wildlife, guests can swim, relax or enjoy a cold beverage here.

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Mboko Lodge

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