Travel Guidance

For all travel guidance information please see the attached pre departure information on your Itinerary.


Dubbed the 'Warm Heart of Africa' for its good-natured charm, the tiny, landlocked country of Malawi in southeastern Africa is a famously hospitable little nation brimming with touristic abundance. Its exuberant landscape is a breathtaking natural kaleidoscope of verdant countryside, sweeping plateaux, soaring highlands, and river valleys. Malawi's share of the vast Great Rift Valley encompasses the country's must-see eco-destination, the emblematic Lake Malawi, several national parks and game reserves, while the Central African Plateau's undulating terrain is defined by a series of dramatic escarpments, punctuated by lakes, dramatic hills and dense forests. A wealth of outdoor activities is open to outdoor enthusiasts, including hiking, swimming, scuba diving, snorkelling, water skiing, sailing, kayaking, parasailing and boating. Game viewing at the reserves offers a chance to see crocodiles, lions, elephants, hippos and leopards. For the more culturally curious, browse the many bustling markets, visit traditional villages and dig into the treasure trove of the country's history at The Society of Malawi in Blantyre.

Banking and Currency


The local currency is known as Kwacha (MWK; symbol Mk) which is equal to 100 tambala. Notes come in denominations of Mk500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5. Coins are in denominations of Mk1 as well as 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 tambala.

The import of local currency is unlimited. The export of local currency is limited to K3,000.  The export of foreign currency must not exceed the amount imported and must be declared on departure.


Banking hours are from Mon-Fri 0800-1400.

Acceptance of credit and debit cards is very limited, although in Lilongwe and Blantyre and in main hotels, American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa can be used.

Traveller's cheques can be exchanged in banks, hotels and other institutions. In remote areas, the Treasury Office of Local District Commissioner's offices will cash traveller's cheques. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller's cheques in US Dollars, Euros, British Pounds Sterling or South African Rand.

There are ATMs available in the major cities but it is advisable to check with your bank at home to find out if your card is compatible with Malawian ATMs. ATM services in more rural areas is extremely limited so plan accordingly.

Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Main airlines: Ulendo Airlink 
International Airports: Kamuzu International Airport 
Domestic airline: Ulendo Airlink 
Tar roads: Yes 
Gravel roads: No 
Valid International Driver's License needed: Yes 
Car hire available: Yes 
Taxis: Yes 
Uber available: No 
Inter-city bus services: Yes 
Local city bus networks: Yes 
Railway system: Yes 
Subway System: No 
Ferries: Yes 
Water taxis: Yes 
Leisure cruises: Yes 

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

All water should be regarded as being potentially contaminated. Water used for drinking or making ice should have first been boiled or otherwise sterilised. 

Hotel restaurants and many of those in the cities are of a good standard. They offer a wide choice of dishes including European, Korean, Indian and Chinese as well as authentic Malawi dishes and haute cuisine. Poultry and dairy produce are plentiful and tropical fruits and vegetables are abundant in season.

Typical Malawian specialities include fresh fish from Lake Malawi.  Chambo (Tilapia fish) being the main lake delicacy.  There is also trout available from streams on the Zomba, Mulanje and Nyika plateaus. White maize is commonly eaten with vegetables and sometimes meat or fish. Nthochi bread (made with banana)is very popular with locals and travellers alike as are Mbatata cookies (made with sweet potato and cinnamon).

The local beer is very good and Malawi gin and tonic is well known and inexpensive.

Climate and Weather

Annual rainfall: Varies from 725mm to 2500mm  
Average temperature: 27°C  
Dry Season 
Average in highs: 27°C 
Average in lows: 20°C 
Wet Season
Average in highs: 29°C 
Average in lows: 17°C 
Best time to visit:  
Early May to late October is the best time to visit Malawi and make the most of game viewing and trips to the beach in sunny weather on the shore of Lake Malawi.   

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 
Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: Yes 
Winter and Autumn 
Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Yes 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: No 
Umbrella and raincoat: Yes 
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: Yes 
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes 

Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Yes 
Public parks: No 
Libraries: Yes 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Plug Type: G 
Voltage (V): 230 V 
Frequency Hertz (Hz): 50 Hz

*A Travel plug adapter and voltage converter might be necessary depending on your appliances. 

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