Zomba Plateau, Malawi

Days 1 - 3

Situated in southern Malawi, the city of Zomba formerly served as the colonial capital of the country. It is known for its Colonial architecture and its location on the southern slopes of the scenic Zomba Plateau. It serves as an excellent base for visitors to explore the surrounding area. The rugged wilderness featuring lush forests, glistening lakes, and cascading waterfalls lends itself to a variety of adventurous outdoor activities including, hiking, fishing, horse riding, birdwatching, mountain biking and rock climbing. Visitors can explore the city’s botanical gardens and golf course or venture further afield to the beautiful Zomba Nature Reserve.


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Zomba Plateau, Malawi


Days 3 - 5

The town of Mulanje lies at the base of Mount Mulanje, Central Africa’s highest mountain and the gateway to its trekking trails. This giant massif measures over 3 000 metres at its pinnacle and covers more than 500 square kilometres. Many trails, ranging from leisurely strolls around the lower slopes to strenuous climbs up its peaks, are available to nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. There are pools, waterfalls, granite gorges, and ancient cedar forests along the trails, with trees standing as tall as 30 metres. You will also encounter rich wildlife such as Dwarf Chameleons, Forest Butterflies, antelope and myriad birds. Besides being a hiking Mecca, Mulanje is surrounded by lush tea plantations that can be explored on a guided tour. Although surrounded by vast natural scenery, this quaint town is easily can be accessible from the city of Blantyre.

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Liwonde National Park, Malawi

Days 5 - 8

Liwonde National Park is situated at the southern tip of Lake Malombe in southern Malawi. Although Liwonde is a smaller park, it is arguably the most popular of all the game parks in the country. Malawi’s main river, the Shire, forms its western boundary and is the reserve’s lifeblood. Boasting plenty of animals including hippos, kudu, elephants, crocodiles and elephants, and even black rhino, the park has become one of Malawi's premier wildlife-viewing destinations. The birding opportunities here are excellent and a favourite sighting among birdwatchers is the Pel’s fishing owl. Visitors can look forward to a wide selection of activities including canoeing, sublime boating safaris, and excellently positioned camping spots. The area is also incredibly photogenic, with its lush Borassus palms, Impala lilies, and abundant wildflowers blooming after the rains.


Mumbo Island, Cape Maclear, Malawi

Days 8 - 10

Mumbo Island is an ecotourist’s dream. Measuring just one square kilometre across, this remote islet is virtually uninhabited and covered with pristine miombo forests interspersed with ancient fig and baobab trees. It is surrounded by the calm, crystal clear waters of Lake Malawi, where you can swim and snorkel amidst schools of vividly coloured tropical fish. You may also encounter the island’s sole mammal inhabitant - playful and curious Spotted-necked Otters. The only resort on the island is built from sustainable natural materials that blend beautifully into the pristine surrounds.


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