Experience the natural wonders of South Africa on this adventurous back to nature trip including a cultural San experience, optional whale watching boat trip and white shark cage diving, ending with three days safari in the wilderness of Timbavati in the Greater Kruger.
During this journey your accommodation will include Fair Trade In Tourism (FTT) hotels, lodges and activities. FTT is a non-profit organisation which supports sustainable tourism development through the award of certificate to companies that commit themselves to the Fair Trade criteria of fair wages, fair working conditions, just profit sharing and respect for human rights, culture and the environment. This assures you that the people whose land , natural resource, labour , knowledge and culture are used to support the tourism activities you are enjoying are actually benefiting fairly from them
day 0 |
Parker Cottage | Cape Town |
4 nights |
B&B |
day 4 |
Whalesong Lodge | De Kelders |
3 nights |
B&B |
day 7 |
Umlani Bushcamp | Timbavati Private Nature Reserve |
3 nights |
FI |
B&B: Bed and Breakfast |
FI: Fully Inclusive - Bed, All Meals, Fees and Activities |
11 Days / 10 Nights