Guango Lodge Birding 2D



  • Guango Lodge is a paradise for bird lovers and photographers alike; it is not uncommon to see up to 14 species of humming birds in one hour, including the amazing sword-billed hummingbird.
  • Guango is located near the paramo zone and hot springs of Papallacta, surrounded by a 300-hectare reserve & network of trails, offering the perfect opportunity for trekking, wildlife observation & relaxation.
  • The lodge has 8 small but charming rooms, with hot water showers, in-room tea/coffee facilities, and hot water bottles available at night. Social areas are cozy with warm fire places in the evening.
  • Located just 1 hour drive from Quito Airport, Guango Lodge is convenient for a day trip, or a 2-3 day city-break excursion.
  • Guango lodge is also a conscious initiative for nature conservation and community support, and active in employing & training local residents from the area.

Short Itinerary:

  • DAY 1 : Journey from Quito through the dry central valley, up to the high windswept paramo. Many birding sightings are possible, such as Andean Condor, Caracara, Black tailed trainbearer, among others. On the way you pass though high elevation temperate forest, to see other native species of birds. Finally, late afternoon arrival to the lodge to drink “Canelazo” and dinner.
  • DAY 2 : Follow the amazing bird trails at Guango Lodge, to hopefully spot Bar-bellied woodpeckers, tyrannulets, blue-backed conebills, among others. After a box lunch we head to the hummingbird feeders, and return to Quito in the late afternoon.


Accommodation and Destinations

Day 1

1 night

Fast Facts

Fast Facts

2 Days / 1 Night

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