
Days 1 - 2

Situated on a peninsula in Lake Victoria, the former seat of Uganda’s government, Entebbe is just a short drive from the current capital and offers plenty to keep visitors amused. This charming town features tree-lined streets and serves as an excellent base from which to explore the surrounding area. Tourists can look forward to spending days on beautiful beaches along the banks of Lake Victoria, stroll through the fields and forests of the magnificent Botanical Gardens, or pay a visit to Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, a haven for country’s orphaned chimps.

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Alternative Accommodation

Urban by City Blue Kampala

Murchison Falls National Park

Days 2 - 4

Stretching from the shores of Lake Albert, Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda's largest National Park. The Nile River flows through the middle of the park creating the impressive Murchison Falls which is the park’s major attraction. The landscape features dense rainforest, undulating savannah and a diversity of abundant wildlife. Visitors can enjoy prime game-viewing along the Buligi Circuit. The forests are home to numerous primates, including Chimpanzees, and near the river, buffalo, elephants and Rothschild-Giraffes can be seen. Other commonly spotted wildlife include: lions, antelope, waterbucks, hippos and crocodiles.


Alternative Accommodation

Pakuba Safari Lodge

Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

Days 4 - 6

Imposing cone-shaped hills cradle tranquil calderas in the enchanting Ndali-Kasenda Crater Lakes in Western Uganda near Kibale Forest and Queen Elizabeth National Parks. Formed about 8-10,000 years ago by volcanic activity, these craters now hold a variety of lakes. Some boast clear, blue water, while others remain emerald green with a sulfuric odour due to residual volcanic gases. Lush vegetation cloaks the crater rims, offering views of nearby hills, tea plantations, and even the Rwenzori Mountains on clear days. While some lakes are safe for swimming, others contain toxic water and should be avoided. Activities around the lakes include nature walks, boat rides, bird-watching and visiting the "Top of the World" viewpoint for panoramic vistas.


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Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

Northern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Days 6 - 7

One of the most popular parks in Uganda, the Queen Elizabeth National Park lies in the western region of the country. In the northern part of the park, visitors can look forward to boating along the Kasinga Channel, which is home to the largest population of hippos in the world and an abundance of Nile crocodiles. Along the banks, an incredible number of birds and wild animals flock to the river’s edge. At Kyambura Gorge, fondly known as ‘Valley of the Apes’, chimpanzees are at home in a world of lush tropical rainforest spread with canopies, and three salty crater lakes are decorated with swathes of pink flamingos. On the western shore of Lake George, the vast Kasenyi Plains are inhabited by lions and several interesting bird species.


Alternative Accommodation

Enganzi Game Lodge

Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Days 7 - 8

Surrounded by other wonderful parks in the western region of Uganda, the Queen Elizabeth National Park is known for its rich biodiversity, wildlife and history. In the southern part of the park, the remote Ishaha sector is home to tree-climbing lions who spend long lazy days dozing in the pretty fig trees. The Uganda Kob, a type of antelope, are watched carefully by the tree lions while grazing the plains Around Lake Edward, enjoy fishing and more game watching - make sure to look out for chimpanzees, elephants, crocodiles, and perennial and migratory bird species.


Alternative Accommodation

Ishasha Jungle Lodge

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Days 8 - 10

Located in southwestern Uganda, in the Kisoro District, the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park forms part of the much larger Virunga Conservation Area. This wilderness sanctuary was created to protect the rare mountain gorillas that inhabit its dense forests. The striking landscape boasts three conical volcanoes which are a part of the magnificent Virunga Range which fringes Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo. Aside from the main attraction which is the mountain gorillas, the park is home to buffaloes, elephants, endangered golden monkeys and many of bird species. The three extinct volcanoes offer plenty of hiking trails.


Lake Bunyonyi

Days 10 - 11

Located in southern Uganda, Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest lake in Africa and is home to a variety of water birds, giving it the name ‘place of little birds’. This spectacularly scenic lake is dotted with gorgeous misty islands and surrounded by verdant, undulating, terraced hillsides. It is also a popular stop-off on the way to the famed gorillas that live nearby and unlike many lakes in East Africa, it is crocodile, hippo and bilharzia free. Highlights include camping on one of the islands, swimming in the lake’s crystal clear waters, bird watching, canoeing, and hiking.

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Lake Bunyonyi

Alternative Accommodation

Lake Bunyonyi Eco Resort Kabale

Lake Mburo National Park

Days 11 - 12

Situated in the southwestern region of Uganda, Lake Mburo National Park is an easily accessible, compact little gem. Renowned for its impressive biodiversity, Lake Mburo National Park shelters almost seventy mammal species and over 300 avian species in its forests, swamps and grasslands. This spectacular landscape features open plains of savanna interrupted by rocky ridges, forested gorges and lush dense woodland. Crocodiles, hippos and a myriad of water birds are found in and around the five lakes, of which Lake Mburo is the largest. Other commonly spotted wildlife include: impala, oribi, eland, zebra, buffalo, Defassa waterbuck, leopard, hyena, hippo and reedbuck.


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Lake Mburo National Park

Alternative Accommodation

Rwakobo Rock
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