Day 1: Entebbe

Meet and greet at Entebbe International Airport where your Uganda Adventure Safari starts by our representative who will warmly welcome you and facilitate seamless arrival formalities.  Your will then be transferred to your hotel where you will be briefed about your adventure safari.

Depending on the time of arrival you are advised to have money Changed on this day ,If time allowing you may go for a city tour. All activities today are at your own cost. You may visit the  botanical gardens at a supplement of $10 per person or visit the Uganda Wildlife Educational centre  at supplement of $15 per  pesrson or go for a cheese and wine sundowner on Lake Victoria at a supplement of $85 per person.



Airport transfer

Day 2: Murchison Falls National Park

After your early morning breakfast drive northwest to Murchison Falls National Park, you may stopover at the Rhino Sanctuary where you will have an opportunity to trek Rhinos. 

There are 15 Rhinos which were reintroduced after their extinction in the 1970s through poaching.  A local ranger guide will lead you on foot to an up-close encounter with the rhinos and it may take about 1 and half hours. Proceed to Masindi Town for lunch and later continue to Murchison Falls National Park arriving at your lodge late afternoon.


Activities and Services

Rhino Tracking


1 Rhino Tracking

Park Entrance Fees


Day 3: Murchison Falls National Park

After breakfast, you will go for a morning game  drive and later  go back to your lodge for lunch.

After lunch, go for a boat cruise upstream the calm Victoria Nile to the base of the falls stopping just few of meters from the ‘Devil’s Cauldron’, marvel at the schools of hippos, crocodiles and over the 17km stretch you may see elephant, waterbuck and Uganda Kob. This is also the zone of many birds, species like goliath heron, Egyptian goose, pelican bee-eater, kingfisher, hornbill, cormorant and the rare shoebill stork.

After taking shorts of the photogenic Murchison Falls, you may choose to continue to the top of the falls, where you will have the amazing view of the falls! See where the Nile -world's longest river explodes violently through a narrow cleft  in the Rift Valley escarpment to plunge into a frothing pool 43m below. Later, return to your lodge and relax in the evening.


Alternatively, you may choose to pay a supplement of $60 per person  to go for the delta cruise in search of the shoebill and wildlife

Activities and Services

Game Drive

Boat Cruise on the Nile


Game Drives

Boat Cruise on the  Nile

Ferry Crossing

Top of the Hike  

Park entrance fees

Vehicle entrance fees


Day 4: Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

After your morning breakfast, begin your journey to Kibale Forest National Park. Drive south via Hoima to Fort Portal through verdant countryside passing through traditional homesteads, farms and Tea Estates. You will have a stopover for lunch en-route. You will arrive at you lodge in the late afternoon. Check in at your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Alternatively, you may opt to fly to Kibale Forest National Park at a supplement of $470 per person


Day 5: Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

After breakfast at your lodge, transfer to the starting point of your Chimpanzee tracking experience in Kibale Forest National Park which is reputed to have the greatest variety and highest concentration of primates in East Africa. The most famous of its 13 species is the Chimpanzee, man’s closest relative. Kibale’s 1450 Chimpanzee represent Uganda’s largest population of this endangered primate. Kibale is also a home to the rare I’Hoest’s monkey. Other primates include the black and white Colobus, Blue monkey, Grey cheeked mangabey, Red tailed monkey, Olive baboon to mention but a few. So you will enjoy a guided nature walk in the tropical rainforest in search of the wild chimpanzees, red-tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys and many others.  Although chimp sightings are not guaranteed, visitors stand a good chance of hearing and seeing our distant cousins as they gloom and bond with one another.

After lunch, head to Bigodi . Bigodi was established by a local development organization to protect the 4sq-km Magombe Swamp that's home to around 200 species of birds (highlights include papyrus gonolek, white-winged warbler and great blue turaco). The highlight of this tour is catching a glimpse of the great blue turaco. The swamp is also good for spotting butterflies and primates, with 8 different species here, including grey-cheeked mangabey. The 2-3 hour guided walk is led by experienced local guides who interact with the guests and make the trip both enjoyable and exciting


Activities and Services

Chimpanzee Tracking

Bigodi swamp walk


1 Chimpanzee permit per person

Bigodi swamp walk

Day 6: Northern Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast at your lodge before you proceed to Queen Elizabeth National Park following the mystical Rwenzori Mountain Range. Your expert driver guide will take you through the game park where you might spot some animals.

Upon arriving at your lodge, you will enjoy a hot lunch and later in the afternoon take a unique 2-hour boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel into Lake Edward. This trip passes through possibly the highest concentration of hippos and this launch/cruise offers an excellent platform for photography, bird watching and game viewing. The prolific bird life is colorful and stupendous, with well over 550 resident species.


Activities and Services

Game Drive

Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel


Game Drive

Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel

Park Entrance Fees

Vehicle Entrance Fees


Day 7: Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park’s diverse eco-system of grassy plains, tropical forest, rivers, swamps, lakes and volcanic craters is home to an incredible abundance of wildlife.  Have an early morning game drive where you have an opportunity to view the massive Rwenzori as backdrop, which provides excellent opportunities to spot lion, leopard, giant forest hog, Cape buffalo, elephant, defassa waterbuck, Uganda Kob, topi and bushbuck. The game drives and the boat trip (taken prior) are memorable methods of discovering a vast array of Ugandan wildlife. Be sure to have your camera ready for these amazing sightings!

Later, have an afternoon game drive as you transfer to Ishasha Plains – sector in Queen Elizabeth National Park for tree climbing lion search . 

Alternatively Afternoon visit to the bat and hunters  cave where we take a close look at the bats, rock python and forest cobras at a supplement of $30 per person. The same walk will provide a chance of seeing birds, primates, tree species etc.


Activities and Services

Search -Tree climbing lions


Game Drives

Tree climbing lions

Day 8: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

After your breakfast, pack-up your bags and take a morning game drive through the park for your final visit with  the tree climbing lions and other  wildlife before heading out of the Queen Elizabeth National Park and on to Bwindi.  The drive takes you through the Switzerland of Africa area known as the Kigezi Highlands with its terraced hillside and winding roads to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, arriving in the evening. Check into the lodge for dinner and your overnight stay.




Day 9: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

After an early breakfast depart to the starting point for briefing about your gorilla trekking adventure after which you will be led by experienced gorilla trackers on the slopes of the volcanoes. You will start from the site where the gorillas were encountered the day before and from here the gorilla tracking begins. Although the hike can be physically demanding, the anticipation of the exciting experience ahead is amazing, and the beauty of the gorilla forest and its inhabitants are fascinating. One of Africa’s major highlights is when you encounter these gentle apes. It is a humbling experience to stand just meters from man’s distant cousins as they eat rest, play and bond with their young ones.

Follow the mountain gorillas as they range freely in the impenetrable forest, and discover their gorgeous natural habitual and the many species they share it with. You are allowed an hour with the gorillas before finally sloping down back to your lodge. If your trek was relatively short, you may have a guided nature walk around the lodge and the surrounding communities in the evening at a supplement of $35 per person. Return to the lodge where you will enjoy dinner with your fellow travelers before getting a good night’s rest for tomorrow's safari adventure.


You may opt for Gorilla Habituation on supplement of $800 per person 


Don’t forget to carry your rain gear, packed lunch, plenty of water, gloves, hat, and water proof bag for protection of your camera in case of rain

GorillaTrekking GorillaTrekking GorillaTrekking

Expert tips

Details on what to pack for gorilla tracking in Uganda and Rwanda

When travelling to foreign destinations it is always respectful to dress modestly and we suggest the emphasis is on comfortable clothing. It is often warm on the plains and at lower altitudes but cold in the hilly and mountainous areas of Uganda and Rwanda; a rain jacket, fleece and good quality walking shoes/boots are essential.

When trekking the gorillas and chimpanzees we recommended wearing sturdy clothing to help protect against scratches, i.e. long sleeve shirt, trousers and a good pair of lightweight walking boots. Protective leather gloves or gardening gloves are also useful, as well as a pair of gaiters.

As the temperature is variable and weather conditions can change; we also recommend taking a fleece or light jumper (layers of clothing are best especially with moisture-wicking undergarments) and lightweight breathable waterproof jacket/trousers or poncho. A small backpack is useful to carry your water, pack lunch, camera and binoculars. Walking sticks are available at the park head quarters as are porters (it is worth taking a porter as it provides local people with employment and they will give you a helping hand on any steep terrain).

Whilst on safari neutral coloured, loose fitting and relaxed clothing is the most appropriate. Most hotels and lodges have laundry services, so an excessive amount of clothing should be unnecessary. Please note that most hotels and lodges hand wash clothing.

Khaki / natural coloured clothing for safaris / trekking

  • 1 – 2 pairs of light weight trousers / slacks – that can dry quickly if wearing on treks
  • 1 Pair of shorts
  • 1 – 2 long sleeved shirts – preferably quick drying
  • 2 – 3 short sleeved shirts – preferably moisture wicking

Casual clothes for evenings

  • 1 – 2 pairs of light weight trousers / slacks
  • 1 – 3 sports / long sleeved shirts and / or blouse
  • 1 dress / skirt for ladies

Exterior clothing

  • 1 Lightweight waterproof / windproof / breathable jacket, e.g. Gortex / Event type fabrics
  • 1 Fleece, sweater or sweatshirt
  • Sturdy / lightweight waterproof walking boots – trousers / pants should be tucked into socks and boots while trekking (heavy soled rain boots or gaiters also work well)
  • 1 Pair of shoes for evening wear
  • 1 Pair of sports sandals will be useful, e.g. TEVA
  • Swimsuit (and a plastic bag for packing in)
  • Bush hat with a brim for sun protection
  • Underwear
  • Lightweight wool socks
  • Gloves – gardening or similar (for gorilla tracking only)


  • Towel – many lodges provide these, but if needed we suggest taking trek towels. These are lightweight, pack to a small size and dry quickly. Best to get a large or extra large.
  • Gaiters
  • Sunscreen and moisturising cream
  • Sunglasses with neck strap
  • Insect repellent with DEET, please note that DEET can effect man-made fibres and plastics.
  • Daypack / small rucksack
  • Binoculars
  • Alarm clock – though our staff will wake you
  • Ear plugs
  • Spare / extra batteries
  • Camera and extra lenses
  • Camera charger / converter / adapter for 220 / 240 AC voltage, plus cigarette lighter adapter is useful
  • Film – particularly fast film for the primates (400 – 1600ASA)
  • Personal toiletries /Prescription medicines and the prescription itself
  • Wet-wipes / tissues
  • Back-up glasses especially if you wear contact lenses
  • Wash cloth and plastic bag (if needed)
  • Ziplocs / dry bags and other plastic bags for keeping valuables dry or storing wet clothes
  • Torch / flashlight – LED models are light weight and have a good battery life
  • Sewing kit (needle, thread, safety pins)
  • Small notebook
  • First Aid Kit – including anti-diarrhoea medicine, rehydration sachets, aspirin, cold medication, antiseptic cream, band-aids (plasters), motion sickness pills, lip balm, eye drops and personal medication
  • Photocopies of your passport, visas, credit cards and airline tickets (it is advisable to have 2 sets to keep in separate places)


Activities and Services


1 Gorilla Permit per person

Day 10: Lake Bunyonyi

After an early breakfast,  you will be transferred  to lake Bunyonyi ,spend the night overlooking Uganda deepest lake, where you may try your hand at paddling at dugout canoe, or eating fresh water crayfish.



Day 11: Lake Mburo National Park

After breakfast, at 08.00 hours you will travel to L. Mburo National Park, the smallest National Park of Uganda. Though being small, it has a lot offer!!  Centered on a series of swamp-fringed lakes its birdlife is very rich.  The green acacia woodland harbors wildlife like Zebra, warthog, Eland, Impala, not to mention the lake itself, which is home to schools of hippos and crocodiles! Furthermore, Uganda Wildlife Authority recently brought 15 giraffes from Murchison falls to Lake Mburo.

You will arrive at the lodge in time for lunch.  Later in the afternoon at 16:00 enjoy the boat ride on Lake Mburo and get quite close to the croc and hippos. As you return to your Lodge, you may have an evening game drive as you return to your lodge.

Activities and Services

Game Drive

Boat Cruise


Game Drive

Park Entrance Fees

Boat Cruise

Vehicle Entrance Fees

Day 12: End of Itinerary

After breakfast have a safari walk under the escort of an armed ranger. The Kopjes are particularly interesting with the camouflage kilspringers and topis. Due to cattle herding in the area it is amusing to see zebra grazing alongside the long horned Ankole cattle peaceably.  It is exciting to approach wildlife at such close range.


Alternatively, you may choose to go for mountain bike safari (on payment of a supplement of $25 per person for 2 hours) or horseback riding safari in the park (on payment of $95 person for 2 hours).

Later Leisurely drive back to Kampala with a stopover at the Equator where you will have an opportunity to stand in 2 hemispheres at the same time.  Take some photos, then another stop over at the Mpigi Royal Drum Makers Time Allowing where you will be able to watch the ceremonial drums being crafted using methods passed down through the generations arriving in the afternoon and transferring to Entebbe Airport to catch your flight to your next destination.(flight should be in the late evening)

Activities and Services

Walking Safari


Walking Safari


Drum Makers

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