
Since Cambodia reopened its borders to tourists in the early 1990s, visitors from around the world have flocked to this intriguing Southeast Asian country to experience its fascinating cultural heritage, to engage with the wonderfully welcoming locals, and to marvel at the numerous spectacular natural wonders Cambodia has to offer. Phnom Penh, the nation’s bustling capital, is home to a slew of excellent restaurants, lively outdoor markets and a boisterous nightlife. However, most of Cambodia’s most popular attractions are located beyond the capital. Tourist favourites include: the sleepy French-influenced town of Kampot with its lovely promenade dotted with gorgeous French villas and charming riverside cafes; the breathtaking waterfalls of the lush jungle-clad Cardamon Mountains; and, of course, the awe-inspiring ancient temple complex of Angkor Wat - the world’s largest and arguably most impressive religious structure. Cambodia serves travellers of all sensitivities, whether they're seeking adventurous jungle excursions, exquisite golden-sand beaches, luxury resorts or sumptuous exotic cuisine, Cambodia truly does have it all.

Siem Reap

Days 1 - 3

Best known as the gateway to the magnificent ancient temple complex of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap is a pleasant town with lovely French colonial and Chinese architecture and a laid-back ambience. The main attraction here is of course the Angkor complex. Covering an area larger than Paris, it encompasses scores of exquisite temple structures featuring intricately carved detail – dancing ladies and lotus flowers embellish the walls, five-headed naga (serpent deities) fan out from chunks of rock. Abandoned for unknown reasons thousands of years ago, it was rediscovered in 1860 by a French explorer, Henri Mahout, and has been Cambodia’s crowning glory ever since. Other attractions in and around Siem Reap include an array of arts and crafts shops, a cultural village that allows a glimpse into traditional local life, and a bird sanctuary on the outskirts of town.


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