Caprivi Birding Tour 2025



Located in southwestern Africa, Namibia boasts a well-developed infrastructure, some of the best tourist facilities in Africa, and an impressive list of breathtaking natural wonders. Visitors can explore the capital of Windhoek and discover the lovely coastal town of Swakopmund boasting remnants of the country’s German influence, reflected in the architecture, culture, cuisine and the annual Oktoberfest celebrations. To properly appreciate this extraordinary country, you will have to venture out of the cities to explore the remarkable natural landscapes Namibia has to offer. These include: the impressive Fish River Canyon; the vast Etosha National Park teeming with abundant wildlife, such as lions, desert-adapted elephants and the Hartmann's Mountain Zebra; the hauntingly beautiful Kalahari Desert; and of course the Namib Desert stretching for over 2000 km along the magnificent Atlantic Coast. Namibia is an ideal destination for travellers seeking an unforgettable African experience in a uniquely beautiful untamed wilderness.

Zambezi Region

8 Nov 2025 - 10 Nov 2025

The Zambezi Region, also known as the Caprivi Strip, is the name given to the little finger of Namibia that extends eastwards between Angola and Botswana all the way across to Zimbabwe and creates the only spot on the planet where four countries meet. The region lies in the middle of one of Africa’s largest and most well-known game-viewing areas. The abundance of water supplied by the Zambezi, Okavango, Kwando and Chobe Rivers sustains a large variety of animal and bird species. There are four Namibian reserves and no fences preventing the animals from moving between the countries. Visitors can enjoy abundant game-viewing opportunities and soak up the natural splendour of this scenic region.

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Zambezi Region

Okavango River

10 Nov 2025 - 13 Nov 2025

The Okavango River is the fourth-largest river system in southern Africa. Starting in Angola, it runs southeastward into Namibia and forms part of the Angolan/Namibian border. Visitors can soak up the magnificent views of the cascading Popa Falls, a popular tourist attraction, just before the river crosses over into Botswana creating the renowned Okavango Delta. The area surrounding the river is known for its lush vegetation, spectacular natural beauty, and abundant wildlife. It is home to 150 species of fish and supports over 400 species of bird, making it a popular fishing and birding destination. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of adventure opportunities in and around the river, jump on a scenic boat cruise, visit the many reserves which dot the region, and explore the riverside town of Rundu, set on the banks of the Okavango River, it is the rural capital of the Kavango Region.


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Okavango River


13 Nov 2025 - 14 Nov 2025

The Kavango region lies in northeastern Namibia and includes the western part of the Caprivi Strip to the northeast. The region is largely separated from Angola by the magnificent Kavango River, which dominates the area and is essential to the local Kavango people’s survival. This magnificent river and the surrounding thickly wooded savannah provides a striking contrast with the other more arid areas of Namibia. Bordering the Kavango River is the Mahango Game Reserve. Visitors can look forward to exploring this impressive reserve, featuring riverine forests, broad floodplains, and majestic baobab trees. This pristine natural environment forms an ideal habited for an astonising array of wildlife including large herds of elephant, a number of rare game species, and over four hundred species of bird.


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Kwando River

14 Nov 2025 - 15 Nov 2025

Meandering through the spectacular Caprivi Strip in northwest Namibia, the Kwando River rises from the central Angolan highlands forming the boundary between Namibia, Zambia and Angola. The area surrounding the Kwando River is known for its protected game reserves, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. It offers excellent game viewing with the perennial waters of the river attracting plentiful wildlife including large herds of elephant, hippos, crocodiles, red lechwe, turtles, zebra, impala, spotted-necked otters and over 400 species of bird. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing stay at one of the many lodges set on the banks of the river and soak up the spectacular views of wild Africa. Popular activities include: game viewing, bird watching, fishing, and camping.

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