Day 1: Lima


Welcome to Peru!

Day 2: Lima

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Explore Bohemian Barranco

Barranco is Lima´s smallest yet most lively district, with its bohemian charm and air of inspiration. It is an eclectic mesh of past and present, of grand colonial mansions and stylish, trendy restaurants, boutique shops and equally inviting bars. The district is home to many of Peru´s artists, writers, and musicians, and is the hub of creativity in Lima. Let Barranco romance you!

Please allow approximately three to four hours for the entire experience. 

Activities and Services


Afternoon at leisure

Day 3: The Sacred Valley

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Visit Pisac Ruins and Calca Market

Head to the heights of Pisac where you will first visit the ruins, a very important city during Inca times and the only Inca site apart from Machu Picchu with a stone sun dial. You will learn about the history and the most interesting temples and structures while enjoying breathtaking views of the countless agricultural terraces leading down to the Urubamba River and the Sacred Valley. 
Then continue to the traditional Andean town of Calca in the shadows of the eastern mountains of the Sacred Valley. Here, the town market is buzzing with commerce and stalls selling local and foreign goods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, potatoes, flowers, etc. 

Please allow approximately four hours for the entire experience.

Activities and Services


Gourmet box lunch en route

Day 4: The Sacred Valley

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Visit Chinchero, Moray & Maras

Start your experience in Chinchero, a small colonial town built upon Inca ruins high in the windswept plains of the Sacred Valley (12,430 ft.). It would be easy to spend your entire visit lost in the breathtaking views and architecture that hasn´t changed in centuries, but the real star of the show here is the market, which is the opportunity to see locals exchaging their handicrafts, food, and textiles for other necessities. 

Next, continue on to the ruins of Moray. It has been suggested that these huge circular terraces have a cosmological meaning, however the Incas are thought to have used them as a kind of “crop laboratory”. 

Finally, descend to the fascinating salt mines of Maras, where seeing the locals mining the salt by hand is truly a unique experience. You will have the option to buy some salt of your own, supporting the local economy and making an excellent souvenir.

Please allow approximately six hours for the entire experience.

Activities and Services

Day 5: Machu Picchu

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Explore Machu Picchu

Meet your guide at the exit of the train station or in the lobby of your hotel for a short walk to the bus station and a 20-minute bus ride up to Machu Picchu Citadel (elevation: 8,000 ft. – 2,432 m.a.s.l.). Scratching the surface of the heavens from its place atop the grandest of mountaintop pedestals, it is easy to lose yourself in the mystique and grandeur of this enigmatic citadel. Soak in the energy and atmosphere of one of the most significant archeological sites on the planet while your guide helps you uncover the secrets behind key areas of interest such as the Sun Dial, the Guard House, the Sacred Plaza and the Temple of the Sun.

Please allow approximately three hours for the guided route and four hours for the entire experience | You must show your passport in order to be allowed to enter Machu Picchu Citadel.

Activities and Services


Dinner at the Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo

Day 6: Cusco

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Conquering Machu Picchu Mountain

Take a short walk from your hotel, followed by a 20-minute bus ride to Machu Picchu citadel (8,000 ft. – 2,432 m.a.s.l) only if you're staying down in the village. This medium to challenging ascent is an absolute must-do for the adventurous! The trail, accessed from the archaeological site and mainly made of stone stairs, joins parts of the Inca Trail before reaching Machu Picchu Mountain's peak in up to two hours. Relax at the summit and enjoy a sensational view back down over Machupicchu and other significant ruins in the area, as well as of the jagged, larger-than-life Andes before going down in about an hour and a half.  

Please allow up to four hours hiking and up to five hours for the entire experience | You must show your passport in order to be allowed to enter Machu Picchu Citadel.

Activities and Services

Day 7: Cusco

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Highlights of Cusco and San Blas

Explore the city that has gained world-wide fame and UNESCO World Heritage protection for its enthralling architecture and vibrant local culture. Spanish walls and roofs fuse harmoniously with Inca walls and foundations, suggesting a peaceful balance between the two cultures that starkly contrasts the true, conflict-ridden history of Cusco. Your guide will provide insight and anecdotes about the plazas, churches, and points of interest around the Main Square before continuing onto San Blas, the arts district of Cusco since Inca times and the nucleus for religious art and propaganda for the entire continent of South America during the Spanish Conquest.
Please allow approximately three hours for the entire experience.

Activities and Services


Afternoon at Leisure

Day 8: Depart for Home, Cusco


We hope you enjoyed your trip in our care!

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