Days 1 - 3: Inhambane

Activities and Services


Non  motorized  activities,  such as Fat  Bike   Tours and village visits

Days 4 - 5: Tofo

The small fishing village of Tofo is located on the eastern shores of the Inhambane Peninsula between the Indian Ocean and a small inland reed – lake system. This small town has a unique “island style” atmosphere, with a great mixture of a local market, local arts and positive Latin vibes. The crystal clear waters and white sand beaches attract holiday makers, backpackers, scuba divers and relaxation seekers from around the globe. A few kilometres north of Tofo, at the northern tip of the Inhambane Peninsula, is the town of Barra. Barra is a 7km stretch of beautiful white sand beach perfectly positioned between the Indian Ocean on one side, and a fascinating mangrove estuary on the other. Both Tofo and Barra offer beautiful beaches and numerous accommodation options, but definitely have their own unique character and vibe.

Activities and Services

white shark snorkling


Snokelday with white sharks

Days 6 - 7: Vilanculos

Activities and Services

2 Full Day Snorkel days


 2    Full    Day    Snorkel    Tours    around    Bazaruto    Archipelago,    gear    included  picnic    and    drinks    included    (   national    park    excluded)

Day 8: End of Itinerary

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