NORTH PANTANAL CRUISE 2024 | Porto Jofre to Morrinhos


North Pantanal Cruise

This EXCLUSIVE CRUISE will take you through an impressive variety of environments inside the Grand Pantanal. We will cruise along the Paraguay and Cuiabá rivers, in a lovely, safe and confortable Motor Vessel with only 05 cabins, exploring four different Nature Reserves: The Taiaman Ecological Reserve, the Pantanal National Park, the Meeting of the Waters State Park and the Transpantaneira Park Road in search of its fascinating and rich wild life as the elusive ‘panthera onca’ or jaguar, the playful giant river otters, the numerous caimans sunning along the sand bars, the enchanted ‘Victoria Regia’ giant water lilies as well as the thousands of diverse birds that compose the wildest South American Sanctuary.

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Your Stay

6 Nights

Full Board Plus - Dinner, Bed, Breakfast, Lunch and Activities

All Drinks Included

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