L'Est : la splendeur de la nature


A propos de Valiha

Je crois fermement en la force transformationnelle du voyage, de ce fait je m'efforce de créer des expériences uniques et marquantes pour chaque voyageur qui rejoint GassyTour. 
Je crois profondément en l'importance des rencontres, de la connexion avec la nature et des moments partagés. Ces éléments essentiels transforment chaque voyage en une aventure inoubliable. Pour moi, voyager ne se résume pas seulement à voir de nouveaux endroits, mais à vivre pleinement chaque instant, à se perdre dans la beauté du monde et à se retrouver à travers les découvertes et les interactions.

Je me laisse guider par la curiosité et l'émerveillement, cherchant toujours à offrir des voyages qui touchent l'âme et respectent notre planète. C'est avec cette vision que je crée chaque itinéraire, dans l'espoir de laisser une empreinte positive et durable, tant sur les cœurs que sur les terres que nous explorons.

Destinations Favorites

My dream destination: Madagascar's northeast coast, near Masoala and Marojejy.

The places that have touched me most in my travels: The Itampon'Ihorombe plateau, on the RN7 before arriving at ISALO, and the Zaha'Riake viewpoint, high above Mahajamba Bay in the west.

A propos de GassyTour

 Sustainable  Tourism in Madagascar,  Certified Travelife in 2018

« Those who share the same traveling supplies are united in life »

Part of the price for this tour is donated to an association or a nongovernmental organization we work with http://www.gassytour.com/notre-engagement-solidaire/


Our  Commitments  

A2Z GassyTour is committed to providing to the clients the mentioned services in the detailed tour. The included services are described in the section « Includes » in this file. All service that is not mentioned in this section or described in the « Excludes » will be charged to the customer.


Conditions Générales

GassyTour Conditions Générales


Clients must be covered by comprehensive travel insurance. It is the customer's responsibility to read his insurance policy before traveling with A2ZGassyTour and to ensure that the insurance system provides the customer with the required level of coverage. This includes emergency medical evacuation and other coverages.

Customer recognizes having  taken a sanitary repatriation insurance  and is committed to   providing   upon arrival a copy of the contract  stating the name of the covered person, the contract  number,  the contact details of the Insurance company and the name of the person to be contacted in emergency case.

In the case, the client is not covered by any insurance, the signature of this contract equals that the client releases A2Z GassyTour from all liability.

Itineraries change

All services described in the detailed itineraries will be reserved after receipt of your approval and confirmation of the proposal. In the event that some services can not be confirmed, you will be informed immediately and offered with an alternative.


A2Z GassyTour may decide to change the suggested itineraries for following reasons : damaged roads,  safety ,  adverse weather conditions.   In that case,  A2Z GassyTour will propose an alternative tour. The driver or the tour guide can decide to change the itinerary on ongoing tour due to the above-mentioned reasons.

Domestic and International Flight

A delay or flight cancellation is not A2Z GassyTour ‘s responsibility .  If the tour is postponed/rescheduled   of one or several days,   accommodations and meals will be ensured by the airlines concerned.

However, A2Z GassyTour will bring the needful assistance to his clients and all reclamation and refund request should be sent to the airlines or the concerned company of public transport.

              Signature and validity of the contract

The digital signature can be used as proof, an email indicating that the client read and approved the contract and its terms is enough and no need to print and sign this document.

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