9 Day Elephants of Hwange & Chobe Safari (09BF4)

About Gondwana Travel Centre

Gondwana Travel Centre is a Southern African inbound Destination Management Company, based in Windhoek, Namibia.

As a Destination Management Company we provide first-rate flexible service in a professional and personalised manner, adding real value.

We also offer the following: 

Extensive knowledge - Personalised service - Reputation for excellence  - High quality customer care - Tailored programmes - All types of travel - Detailed information - Expert travel consulting

 Services we provide:

Accommodation & Transport Bookings - Itinerary Planning - Quotations & Preparations - Ground Handling - Invoicing & Administration - Vouchers & Documentation - Meet & Assist Services - 24/7 Emergency Support

Our expertise covers the length and breadth of Southern Africa - allowing you to travel Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Terms and Conditions

Gondwana Travel Centre Terms and Conditions



1.1    In this agreement, except in a context indicating some other meaning is intended:
1.1.1.    The brochure means: the official Gondwana Travel Centre DMC Brochure and rates and other general information issued by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.
1.1.2.    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC” means Gondwana Collection Namibia (Pty) Ltd t/a Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.
1.1.3.    “The Package” means any tour package stated in the brochure or package itinerary in which the tour which is contracted to by any party, either to themselves or a third party is described:
1.1.4.    “The Client” means the company or individual(s) identified on page 1 contracting to the services offered by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.
1.1.5.    “The Service” means all tourism related services contracted by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC, for and on behalf. of the client including, but not limited to accommodation reservations, Fit’s scheduled tours, flying safaris, charters, series, tailor made tours, special interest tours. Transfers and chauffeur drivers.
1.1.6.    “The Traveller” shall mean that person utilizing the services contracted for,
1.1.7.    “The Arrival Date” shall mean the scheduled date of arrival of the traveller(s) in the Republic of Namibia.
1.1.8.    “Pax” means Travellers
1.1.9.    “Groups or charters” shall mean a booking for a group which is more than 7 pax.
1.2    The headings appear for reference only and shall not influence the interpretation of this agreement.

Gondwana Travel Centre DMC provides the services to the client / Agent who contracts the services on the terms and conditions of this agreement.

3.1    Current prices and services are detailed on the rates provided, as contracted, and are quoted in Namibian Dollars unless otherwise stipulated. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC expressly reserves the right to amend prices quotations in the event of unforeseen increases in supplier tariffs, taxes or other Government levies, tourism levies, fuel prices, other taxes of whatever nature or other factors beyond its control.
3.2    All rates are calculated inclusive of VAT.

3.3    All quotations are valid only to the expiring date stated in the quotation and are subject to adjustment if the services quoted are not available at the time of booking. Quotations are based on itineraries and requirements specified by the client. Upon acceptance, any amendments requested by the client or traveller, which incur extra costs, are for the clients or travelers account, as the case may be.

3.4    A non-refundable deposit of 25% of the full package/services quoted is due, owing and payable upon confirmation of any reservation. The balance of the price is due, owing and payable no later than 8 weeks prior to arrival. Where reservations are made within 31 days of date of arrival, payment is due within 72 hours.
3.5    For Group Tours and Charters, a non-refundable 25% deposit of the total value of the booking is due upon confirmation of services. The balance is due, owing and payable not later than 10 weeks prior to arrival.
All bookings made and confirmed within 31 days of date of arrival, as well as all additional pax booked within 31 days of date of arrival are due, owing and payable within 72 hours.
3.6    Should any account not be paid on the due date, the client shall be liable to pay interest a tempore morae on the amount outstanding until payment is done at the prime bank overdraft rate as charged by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC’s bankers to from time to time.
3.7    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC expressly reserves the right to cancel any reservations where payment has not been made on the due date, without prejudice to claim compensation for all possible damages suffered due to the clients’ breach and the client hereby expressly accepts such rights.

3.8    For all tours invoiced in Namibian Dollars the payments are to be made free of commission and bank charges (for the transferors/clients account) and without deduction or set-off in the currency that the quotation was accepted, to the Gondwana Travel Centre's Bank Account - supplied upon request.


4.1    All cancellations will become valid on the date of receipt by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC of written notice, cancelling the reservation.
4.2    In the case of any cancellation, the following cancellation fees will apply:

4.2.1.    Groups (7 or more Pax)
a)    Cancellation of the entire group arrangements:
•    12 to 6 weeks prior to arrival: 25% of contract value
•    Less than 6 weeks: 100% of contract value

b)    Cancellations of individual participants:
•    From confirmation to 60 days prior to arrival: 25%
•    59-40 days prior to arrival date: 30%
•    39-31 days prior to arrival date: 50%
•    30-14 days prior to arrival date: 75%
•    13 days and less prior to arrival: 100%
•    No shows: 100%

4.3    Certain specific suppliers have more stringent cancellation policies, the details of which will be made available on the quotation if applicable and which Gondwana Travel Centre DMC’ general cancellation policy is subject to. In the event of such a more stringent cancellation policy being applied the client will be liable accordance with the more stringent cancellation policy to Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.

4.4    In the event that any client fails to pay any amount to Gondwana Travel Centre DMC on its due date, Gondwana Travel Centre DMC is entitled to cancel the booking and claim damages in terms of this cancellation policy.

4.5    Failure on the part of the client to comply with the terms and conditions set out herein shall entitle Gondwana Travel Centre DMC in its sole discretion and regardless of reservations and payments already received, to cancel or refuse to accept the client’s booking.


5.1    It is strongly recommended that all clients take out comprehensive travel insurance including medical cover, as well as cancellation and curtailment covers, as this is not covered by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.
5.2    Should the traveler fail to check-in for any services on the dates it has been booked or check-out prior to its completion, no refund will be made, and no credit granted. Travelers should ensure that they have appropriate insurance. cover.

5.3    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expenses of any nature whatever suffered. by the client or any traveler arising from:
a)    the loss of or any damage to property;
b)    the cancellation or curtailment of any tour;
c)    Sickness, quarantine, weather conditions, war, riots, and/ or any other cause of any nature whatever, however caused and whether as a result of Gondwana Travel Centre DMC’ negligence or otherwise.

5.4    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC accepts no liability for the death of, or injury to, loss and/ or damage to any person and / or property arising out of any act or omission of Gondwana Travel Centre DMC, the supplier, any servant or Agent of Gondwana Travel Centre DMC or any supplier, whether as a result of negligence or otherwise. The client and the traveler shall be deemed to have waived, renounced and abandoned any and all rights and entitlements to which the client and the traveler may be entitled under the provision of the law of the Republic of Namibia for any loss or damage to person and/or property.

5.5    Should sickness or accident interrupt a tour Gondwana Travel Centre DMC shall not be liable for any:
a) loss, damage or expense arising there from, whether as a result of Gondwana Trave Centre DMC’ negligence or otherwise; nor any refund either total or partial, of money paid. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC recommends that the client advises travellers to take out the necessary insurance to protect against any eventuality.

5.6    Travelers shall be solely responsible for complying with the formalities required by police, customs, health and other authorities at the point of departure, at the destination and whilst in transit. Whilst Gondwana Travel Centre DMC will endeavor to provide the client, prior to departure, with the latest information concerning such regulations and restrictions. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC shall not be responsible and does not accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this regard.

5.7    Travelers may not carry any unlawful articles or substances whilst travelling in the Southern African region. Should any traveler contravene the aforesaid prohibitions, Gondwana Travel Centre DMC will be entitled to immediately exclude the offender from the tour and such traveler will be responsible for his or her own repatriation and all costs associated therewith. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC will under no circumstance assist any such offender in any dealings or negotiations with any authority.

5.8    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC reserves the right to decline to accept or decline to retain any traveler as a member of any group or on any tour at any time as a result of the non-payment of any amount due by the client in respect of such traveler or if such traveler interferes with any other member of any group and/or causes any disturbance or nuisance.

5.9    Should Gondwana Travel Centre DMC appoint a tour leader or guide in respect of any tour, then the traveler must accept all reasonable instructions of such tour leader or guide.

5.10    All travel arrangements such as flight bookings, reservations of hotel accommodation, reservation of motor transport and the like, made by Gondwana Travel Centre DMC are subject to the booking conditions and cancellation provisions of the supplier thereof.

5.11    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC reserves the right to alter or substitute routes, refreshments, meals, accommodations, itineraries, tours, services, vehicles and/or other arrangements should conditions necessitate. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC will offer substitutes of equal value and will inform the client of any known changes before departure.

5.12    One standard set of luggage, comprising one “soft bag / duffle style bag” and one overnight bag per person is allowed. Luggage should be clearly marked. This will allow ease of travel on charter flights as well as all safari vehicles.
5.13    In accordance with international practice and as a courtesy to non-smoking passengers, the traveler’s co-operation is required in implementing a policy of prohibiting smoking on vehicles. At no time and under no circumstance is smoking permitted on/inside any vehicles or charters. The guide or driver will ensure that sufficient comfort stops are made to enable travelers to smoke outside.

5.14    Accommodation is specified in the itinerary or brochure. The use of specific accommodation is subject to availability at the time of booking. Gondwana Travel Centre DMC reserves the right to make use of alternative accommodation.


6.1    The onus is on the traveller or their Agent to ensure that their passports are valid for travel and that they are in possession of valid visas for all countries being visited and that all necessary health certificates for these destinations are in order.

6.2    Minors under the age of 18 years old, traveling to or from Namibia (also in transit) must have an unabridged birth certificate (containing the information of both parents) as well as a valid passport. If one parent is not travelling with the child, the other parent’s affidavit consenting to such travel should be availed. However, an affidavit will not be required if the father’s name does not appear on the child’s birth certificate. This is applicable through all ports of entry.

6.3    In addition, when traveling:
•    With an adult who is not their biological parent: a written or typed affidavit from their parents giving official consent for the minor to travel with the adult is required.
•    With an adult other than a parent/legal guardian: copies of their legal guardians’/parents' passports or documents of identity is required. Contact details of the parents/legal guardians should also be provided.
•    With a parent: an affidavit from the non-travelling parent giving consent for the minor to travel is required. A death certificate should be provided if one parent is deceased.
•    Unaccompanied (without any guardians or parents): an affidavit from their parents/legal guardians consenting to their travel, a letter containing the contact details and residential information of the person who will receive the minor passenger in the country or place of arrival (on arrival), a copy of the identity document, valid passport or permanent residence permit (PRP) of the person who will receive the minor passenger, and the contact details of the minor's parents/legal guardians are required.


7.1    Children 12 years and older will be charged the full adult per person rate on all services provided.

7.2    Children under the age of 12 years are not accepted for scheduled tours. Please ask our Tour Consultants for alternatives or to book the tour on a private basis.

(8)    GENERAL:

8.1.1    Gondwana Travel Centre DMC shall not be bound by any representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein or agreed to by it in writing. No representation, term, warranty, or condition, express or implied, shall be considered to be or to have been made or agreed or implied by reference to any other writing, advertisement or conversation.

8.1.2    No addition to, variation, or agreed cancellation of these conditions shall be of any force or effect unless reduced in writing and acknowledged by or on behalf of any duly authorized representative of Gondwana Travel Centre DMC.

8.1.3    No indulgence which Gondwana Travel Centre DMC may grant to any party shall constitute a waiver of any of the rights of Gondwana Travel Centre DMC who shall not thereby be precluded from exercising any rights against the client and or the traveler which may have arisen in the past or which might arise in the future.

8.1.4    Any claim or dispute which may arise between the client and Gondwana Travel Centre DMC or any travelers and Gondwana Travel Centre DMC including any claim for loss or damage due to injury to person or property shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Namibia.
8.1.5    In all matters where it is or may be necessary to have recourse to the courts, the courts of the Republic of Namibia have sole jurisdiction to the exclusion of the courts of any other country and the law of the Republic of Namibia shall prevail.

8.1.6    Both parties undertake that neither of them will disclose the terms of this agreement or any other confidential information as to the business or affairs of the other which either may acquire through operation of this agreement to any third party other than may be required by law.

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