Cocktails up in the Clouds
信用: Wildplaces Africa
cloudy veranda
Sitting Room at Clouds
信用: Wildplaces Africa
Main lodge sitting room
Mountain Gorilla
信用: Wildplaces Africa
Nkuringo Gorilla
Looking out my bedroom window...
信用: Wildplaces Africa
view of Virungas from window
Sitting Room at Clouds 2
信用: Wildplaces Africa
Main Lodge sitting room
cottage / bedroom sitting area
信用: Wildplaces Africa
sitting room in one of the cottages
Clouds Dining Room
信用: Wildplaces Africa
dining room at Clouds
Clouds Dining Room
信用: Wildplaces Africa
Dining room at Clouds
In Partnership with the Africa Wildlife Foundation
信用: Wildplaces Africa
AWF Plaque
one of the bedrooms/cottages at Clouds
信用: Wildplaces Africa
sitting room of cottage
Cozy fireside bed in the Clouds cottages
信用: Wildplaces Africa
Clouds bedroom
Mother and Child Nkuringo Gorillas
信用: Wildplaces Africa
close up of mother and baby gorilla
Quietly watching gorillas
信用: Wildplaces Africa
gorillas at Nkuringo, Bwindi
Heading into the forest
信用: Wildplaces Africa
light forest cover at the edge of Bwindi
Up close and personal
信用: Angela Kertland Moore
gorilla tracking the Nkuringo Group at Clouds