Kicheche Laikipia

Meet the Northen White Rhinos
The two remaining rhinos now live in the 700-acre rhino enclosure. Here, visitors have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet these remarkable rhinos up close and personal and to hear their amazing story from the keepers that look after them 24/7. Available for an hour at 08:30, 11:00, 15:00, and 16:30hrs.
Per Person enclosure entrance: US$ 70.00 (Min 2 pax / Bookable in advance)

The little lake in front of Kicheche Laikipia Camp offers the unique opportunity of canoeing just
in the middle of the conservancy with a chance of viewing the animals coming to drink.
Inclusive in our package rate (Maximum 2 pax)

Morning or Afternoon Game Drives (approx 3-4hrs).
Watching wildlife at close range, but without encroachingontheirspace,isendlesslyfascinating and our guides’ instincts and experience will provide superb photo opportunities of wild animals. Our safari customized 4WD vehicles are designed to give ever a perfect view.

Night game drives
Night Game Drives are offered to enable guests the chance to observe lesser seen nocturnal species. Our vehicles are fitted with a hand held filtered spotlight and resident species include aardvark, genet, bat-eared fox, striped hyena, serval, honey badger, civet and zorilla.

Game walk
A different perspective is gained through escorted walks on the savannah. Our interpretive guides will point out the spoor of a leopard, the nest of a rare bird or signs of recent migration activity that would pass unnoticed by the eyes of strangers.

Mountain Biking
It is a very different mode of safari on a bicycle, an experience you will remember! Includes a short game drive en-route to the designated riding area and we adapt our ride to your fitness. Allow 3 hours for the execution.

Baraka (The blind Rhino) Visit
Black rhino Baraka lives in what used to be Morani’s 100-acre enclosure, carrying the flag for his predecessor. Baraka was born in the wild in Ol Pejeta, but lost sight in both eyes due to a fight and then a cataract. Baraka now lives in the enclosure, located next to the Morani Information Centre, for his own safety, and has taken to his new role as rhino ambassador.

Ngare Ndare Forest visit – Kicheche Laikipia
A full-day trip to the beautiful Ngare Ndare Forest outside Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Depart morning from camp, guided walk in the forest to the waterfall & natural pool, bird watching, canopy walk, picnic lunch. Back to camp by sunset.
(US$250 pp for 2 pax ¦ US$170 pp for 3 pax ¦ US$120 pp for 4 – 6 pax)
Research & Education centre
Wildlife Educational Centre contains a range of wildlife exhibits and background on the Conservancy and it’s operations, an interesting stop for children and adults alike.

Chimpanzee visit
Enjoy a unique opportunity of viewing chimpanzees and learn more about the day to day care of the chimpanzees in our care. Chimpanzees are not indigenous to Kenya and Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary is the only
place to see them in Kenya.

Anti-poaching Dogs display
Interact with the dog keepers and learn about what it takes to look after the specially trained canine team. Guests are encouraged to try and evade the sniffer dogs, not only is this great fun, but it helps to offer genuine training for the dogs.
(Available at 08:30hrs ¦ US$70pp ¦ Bookable in advance ¦ Restricted to 6 pax ¦ Not suitable for children under 12)