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Zanzibar Palace Hotel

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Välj en Startplats
Arrive at the Ferry Terminal - Zanzibar

Exit the Ferry Terminal

Turn right onto Mizingani Rd

Turn left onto Jamatini Rd at the parking lot

Follow the tarmac road, after 100 meter you arrive

Head south toward Nyerere Rd

Turn left onto Nyerere Rd

Turn right

At the roundabout, continue straight onto Mlandege Rd

Turn left onto Malawi Rd

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Mizingani Rd

Turn left onto Jamatini Rd

Välj en Startplats
Arrive at the Ferry Terminal - Zanzibar

Exit the Ferry Terminal

Turn right onto Mizingani Rd

Turn left onto Jamatini Rd at the parking lot

Follow the tarmac road, after 100 meter you arrive

Head south toward Nyerere Rd

Turn left onto Nyerere Rd

Turn right

At the roundabout, continue straight onto Mlandege Rd

Turn left onto Malawi Rd

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Mizingani Rd

Turn left onto Jamatini Rd


Zanzibar Palace Hotel

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