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Kariega Homestead

Endereço Físico

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Como chegar de carro

Por favor selecione o local de partida
Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown for about 110km.

Turn right before reaching Grahamstown onto the tarred road (R343) to Kenton-on-Sea.

Travel for a distance of 32km until you see Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to The Homestead.

Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown.

Take the R72 towards Alexandria and Kenton-on-Sea.

Continue on the R72, via Alexandria to Kenton-on-Sea

Turn inland and proceed 14 km on the R343.

Look out for the Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to The Homestead.

Como chegar de carro
Por favor selecione o local de partida
Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown for about 110km.

Turn right before reaching Grahamstown onto the tarred road (R343) to Kenton-on-Sea.

Travel for a distance of 32km until you see Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to The Homestead.

Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown.

Take the R72 towards Alexandria and Kenton-on-Sea.

Continue on the R72, via Alexandria to Kenton-on-Sea

Turn inland and proceed 14 km on the R343.

Look out for the Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to The Homestead.

Formulário de Pedido de Informação

Kariega Homestead

*Campos obrigatórios

Primeiro Nome *
Sobrenome *
Endereço de Email *
Número de Telefone *
País de Residência
Data aproximada de Partida
Nº de Dias
Comentários ou Perguntas