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Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge

  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Aerial View of Lodge
  • Ghoha Hills Aerial View

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Ghoha Hills Pool & Lounge
  • Ghoha Hills

    Pool Deck
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Luxury Tented Suite
  • Ghoha Hills

    Tent Interior
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Ghoha
    Luxury Tented Suite
  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Interleading room for family room
  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Family Room Main bedroom
  • Ghoha Hills

    Tent Exterior
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Amazing view from Lounge
  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Private Waterhole Game viewing
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Gameviewing at Ghoha Hills Savuti
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Em Gatland
    Ghoha Guides preparing for Sundowners at the Baobab
  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Dining and unparalleled views
  • Ghoha Hills

  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Unparalleled views from pool deck
  • Rock Pool

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Private Dining at Pool
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Em Gatland
    Fine Dining at Ghoha Hills
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

  • Ghoha Hills

    Kredyt: Ghoha Hills
    Aerial View
  • Ghoha Hills Savuti

    Kredyt: Russel McLaughlin
    Sundowners at the Baobab

Formularz kontaktowy

Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge

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