Big Cave Camp
Adres fizyczny
Kezi Road, Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe
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Wybierz lokalizację początkową
Head east out of the airport
Turn right onto the Turk Mine road, back to Bulawayo
Continue onto Robert Mugabe Way
Slight left to stay on Robert Mugabe Way
Continue onto Matopos / Kezi Rd
Continue onto Matopos Rd and ignore all National Park turn offs
Continue straight and the tarmac road will narrow twice.
After the road narrows for the second time to a very narrow tarmac continue for 2 kms.
At the 46 km peg on the Kezi road is the Big Cave turn off which is clearly sign posted
Drive approximately 5 kilometers along the dirt road and park below Big Cave
Head south on Fort St toward Ninth Ave
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Ninth Ave
Turn right onto Robert Mugabe Way
Continue onto Matopos Rd, ignore all National Park turn offs
Continue onto Matopos Rd, and the tarmac road will narrow twice
Continue straight for a further 2 kms, and turn left onto the Big Cave dirt road.
Continue for a further 5 km on the Big Cave dirt road to the car park below the lodge.
Head east
Slight right toward Gemmel Dr/A3
Turn right onto Gemmel Dr/A3
Turn left onto New Bridge Rd
Turn left onto A1
Continue onto A7Entering Zimbabwe
Continue straight to stay on A7
Turn right onto the La Concorrde dirt road just before Figtree town
If you go into Figtree you have gone too far. Turn around.
The dirt road needs to be driven carefully, but you should manage in a normal saloon with reasonable clearance
Turn right onto the Matobo / Kezi road
Proceed to the 46 km peg after the tarmac road narrows.
Turn left onto the Big Cave dirt road and drive 5 km to the Big cave car park.