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Walkers Plains Camp

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Wskazówki dojazdu

Wybierz lokalizację początkową
Head south

Turn left at the 1st cross street

Continue until you reach the Enkhulu Gate (main entrance to Timbavati Private Nature Reserve)

Once through Enkhulu Gate, continue on the tar road for 2.4 km

Turn right at the Walkers Plains Camp sign

Follow the dirt road for 500 m and you will arrive at Walkers Plains Camp

Wskazówki dojazdu
Wybierz lokalizację początkową
Head south

Turn left at the 1st cross street

Continue until you reach the Enkhulu Gate (main entrance to Timbavati Private Nature Reserve)

Once through Enkhulu Gate, continue on the tar road for 2.4 km

Turn right at the Walkers Plains Camp sign

Follow the dirt road for 500 m and you will arrive at Walkers Plains Camp

Formularz kontaktowy

Walkers Plains Camp

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