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Schoone Oordt Country House


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Wskazówki dojazdu

Wybierz lokalizację początkową
Travel through the tunnel to Worcester.

At the 3rd set of taffic lights turn right to Robertson/Ashton.

Drive straight through Robertson and Ashton.

Just after Ashton is a turn to the right onto the R60 to Swellendam.

Turn left at the 4-way stop and continue through the town.

Quite soon after the large white church on the left, the road forks, keep to the left.

Take the first right into Swellengrebel Street.

Schoone Oordt Country House is on the left.

Take the Swellendam East turn-off.

Drive back downhill, through the 3-way stop.

Just after the Koornlands River Bridge, turn immediately right.

Turn before the grass verge with Swellendam written in white brick on it.

Schoone Oordt Country House is on the right.

Wskazówki dojazdu
Wybierz lokalizację początkową
Travel through the tunnel to Worcester.

At the 3rd set of taffic lights turn right to Robertson/Ashton.

Drive straight through Robertson and Ashton.

Just after Ashton is a turn to the right onto the R60 to Swellendam.

Turn left at the 4-way stop and continue through the town.

Quite soon after the large white church on the left, the road forks, keep to the left.

Take the first right into Swellengrebel Street.

Schoone Oordt Country House is on the left.

Take the Swellendam East turn-off.

Drive back downhill, through the 3-way stop.

Just after the Koornlands River Bridge, turn immediately right.

Turn before the grass verge with Swellendam written in white brick on it.

Schoone Oordt Country House is on the right.

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Schoone Oordt Country House

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