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Leroo La Tau

Game Drives


Domek oferuje przejazdzki z przewodnikiem w Parku Narodowym Makgadikgadi Pans, koncentrujac sie na wyjatkowych obserwacjach dzikiej przyrody wzdluz rzeki Boteti. Coroczna migracja zebry, która odbywa sie kazdego roku od maja do pazdziernika, oferuje gosciom wyjatkowe wrazenia, poniewaz tysiace zebry migruja na rzeke Boteti w poszukiwaniu wody. Ogólna przyroda wzdluz rzeki jest doskonala z regularnymi obserwacja slonia, zyrafa, kudu, zebra i lew, zeby wymienic tylko kilka.

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Makgadikgadi Salt Pans Sleep-Out (Three Night Stay)


Goscie zatrzymujacy sie na 3 lub wiecej nocy w obiekcie Leroo La Tau moga korzystac z solniczki Makgadikgadi. Solne patelnie do spania oferuja gosciom rzadka okazje doswiadczyc ogromu jednej z najobszerniejszych solnisk na swiecie. Salt pan sleep out jest dostepny od polowy lipca do konca pazdziernika, w zaleznosci od warunków pogodowych.

Aby uzyskac wyjatkowe wrazenia, dodaj transfer helikopterem w jedna strone lub powrotny do pakietu, aby miec szanse obejrzenia patelni solnych z powietrza (loty helikopterem cytowane osobno).

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Scenic Helicopter Flights


A helicopter scenic flight offers an unparalleled opportunity to truly grasp the vastness of the Makgadikgadi Pans wilderness. Every month unveils a unique spectacle: from the dusty trails of thousands of zebras migrating along the Boteti River to the dramatic transformation of the pans. Soaring above, guests can witness the lush green islands scattered across vast water basins, ancient baobab trees standing sentinel, and Kubu Island’s migratory flamingos that gather in their thousands to breed and nest. The landscape is further enriched by the ancient rocks of Gondwanaland and its fascinating archaeological sites. Helicopter scenic flights such as these, along with optional transfers to and from the Salt Pans Sleep-Out Experience, are a truly special addition to any Leroo La Tau adventure—offering the chance to see some of Africa’s most striking settings from the skies. *Please note: Scenery and wildlife vary with the seasons, weather patterns and Mother Nature’s unpredictable will. Please enquire about flights and seasonal events before booking.
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Khumaga Village Tour (Three Night Stay)


Desert & Delta Safaris is renowned for crafting immersive adventures that go beyond the ordinary. Culture and community play a central role, offering guests an authentic, enriching, and educational itinerary that leaves a lasting impact. Guests are invited to Khumaga Village, located near Leroo La Tau, for a guided day trip to explore this vibrant community and gain insights into local life. During the visit, visitors can engage with local farmers, try their hand at milking cows, and perhaps bottle-feed baby goats (kids). They'll meet local families, who often invite guests into their homes for a tour, and can visit the community school. Additionally, guests can support the community by purchasing beautifully woven homeware, including baskets, trays, and vessels crafted by local women.
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Nxai Pan Day Trip (Three Night Stay)


Goscie zatrzymujacy sie na 3 lub wiecej nocy moga wybrac sie na wycieczke do Parku Narodowego Nxai Pan. Wycieczka rozpoczyna sie wczesnym rankiem i obejmuje wizyte w Nxai Pan oraz Baines Baobabs, aby zobaczyc rozlegle patelnie solne. Lunch bedzie mozna zjesc podczas zwiedzania Nxai Pan.

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Leroo La Tau

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