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andBeyond Tengile River Lodge

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0 wybrane obrazy
Do pobrania dostępne są następujące obrazy.



Family suite

Game Drives (Included)

Interpretive Nature Walks (Included)

Tracking at andBeyond Tengile River Lodge (Additional Cost; subject to the availability of a qualified guide)

Private Safari (Additional Cost)

Private Vehicle (Additional Cost)

Massage: Quiet Mind Journey (Additional Cost)

Massage: Healing Earth African Shea Butter Ritual (Additional Cost)

Massage: Soul of the Earth Celebration (Additional Cost)

Massage: Earth Glow Body Polish and Wrap (Additional Cost)

Massage: Africa Hand and Foot Treaments - African Footprint Ritual (Additional Cost)

Massage: Africa Hand and Foot Treaments - African Handprint Ritual (Additional Cost)

Massage: WildChild Beauties and Buddies (Additional Cost)

Formularz kontaktowy

andBeyond Tengile River Lodge

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