Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Fallsbroen som toget krysser
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Royal Livingstone Express krysser broen
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Inne i spisestuen er av The Royal Livingstone Express
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Inne i spisestuen er av The Royal Livingstone Express
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Utsikt fra Victoria Falls Bridge
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Stoppe på broen for å ta i solnedgangen
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa
Royal Livingstone Express krysser Victoria Falls Bridge
Royal Livingstone Express
Kreditt: Bushtracks Africa