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Marataba Safari Lodge

Game Drives


Duration: ±3 hours Game drives, in open safari vehicles, head out each day at sunrise and again in the late afternoon to find the reserve’s many fascinating animals, both diurnal and nocturnal. This is a truly personal experience: no more than seven vehicles are in the concession at any one time and, because the animals are accustomed to them and do not see them as a threat, the field guides are able to take guests within close range of Africa’s most impressive species. Photographic opportunities are spectacular! • Includes: a hot beverage or sundowner stop in a scenic spot to purely appreciate being in the bush and in the moment • Children 6 years and older are welcome on the twice-daily game drives • The children’s game drive (for young guests 3 to 5 years) goes out after breakfast daily - parents are welcome to go along, subject to availability of seats
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Mack & Madi Kids' Adventure Safari Club


This offering is inspired by Rob and Britt More’s first-hand experience of travelling with their twins, Mack and Madi. Along with the options and flexibility around accommodations and meals at Safari Lodges, we offer tailor-made activities for children (5 to 11 years) that provide a little extra freedom to explore and just be kids – and make family travel child’s play. Our pledge is to show your children the wonders of our beautiful world and to introduce them to fascinating people – encouraging them to discover and learn through having FUN! Our Safari Club Eco Garden is a dedicated children’s entertainment and education space that keeps young guests occupied with the wonders of the natural world, as well as sporting and creative activities, during their stay. Just some of the fun includes family morning game drives, ‘spoor’ identification and mould making, pool games, rock painting, cookie baking in the kitchen, kids’ picnic, toasting marshmallows, stargazing, and kids’ outdoor cinema. Parents are welcome to join in or sneak a few hours for themselves.
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Thabametsi Treehouse


A Night in a Treehouse* Thabametsi is our newest and most impressive Treehouse yet! It is solar powered and built on two levels – with a main bedroom, shower room and furnished decks offering views of the Waterberg and across the verdant expanse of the Marakele. Guests, delivered by safari vehicle in the late afternoon, spend the sunset hours enjoying a sundowner and sharing a gourmet picnic whilst spotting animals out on the plains, before falling asleep counting shooting stars. This is the ideal hideout for a family of four (including two children, 6 to 15 years) who want to experience an authentic night out in Africa – in complete luxury. • A Treehouse Experience is booked in conjunction with lodge accommodation • A Treehouse stay is charged at a per person sharing per night rate, over and above the lodge accommodation rate • Guests pack an overnight bag with their essentials, leaving the rest of their belongings back in their room
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Bush Walks


Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on guests’ fitness levels These are our after-breakfast walks on the wild side. Guests are immersed in the bush, rather than just observing it. All five senses are engaged, as they feel scrub crunch beneath their feet, touch the velvety acacia seed pod, hear the crack of a branch indicating they are not alone, and spot big game at eye level – exhilarating! Our expert guides will tailor walks to each of our guest’s area/s of interest, focusing on mammals, birds, insects, plants, geology, etc. • Children under 16 years are not permitted on the bush walks • Guests should wear: neutral-coloured clothing, comfortable walking shoes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen • Guests should bring along: a lightweight dry mac jacket, camera/smartphone, and binoculars
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Spa and Wellness


The hours between safaris are an ideal time to spend being pampered. A selection of indulgent therapies is offered by expert therapists in the quiet retreat of guests’ own rooms or private decks – a luxury unique to Africa. Guests choose from massages, exfoliations, reflexology, and facials with TheraNaka herbal-infused spa therapy products – all ethically formulated with the finest natural and organic healing ingredients – as well as manicures and pedicures. Yogis will find no better place to stretch out any leftover tension than on their private decks overlooking the serene reserve. Guests need not pack their mats with these available to borrow from the lodge reception.
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Miss Mara - Matlabas River

Ta et uhastet cruise langs Matlabas-elven på Miss Mara. Ingenting topper å se solen skimre inn i en flytende horisont i livlige farger, mens du nipper til en G 'n T til sprutet av en gryntende flodhest.

Perspektivet på busken er ganske annerledes når det oppleves fra vannet. En utflukt på Miss Mara anbefales på det sterkeste som en unik og svært hyggelig måte å fordype deg i reservatets prakt.

Morgen- og ettermiddagscruise gjennomføres på Matlabas-elven, bare 20 minutters kjøretur fra hytta. Deilige forfriskninger og snacks tilbys; fra bakverk og varm sjokolade, til G 'n Ts og Canapés.

En av Maratabas erfarne feltguider vil gjennomføre det langsomme cruiset langs elven. Du kan forvente å se fugleliv i rikelig med, flodhester i vannet, og de mange skapningene som går på slettene i Marataba langs vannkanten.

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Marataba Rhino Conservation Experience

Gjester som bor på Marataba Luxury Lodges vil møte teamet, motta en pre-operativ orientering, og dra til forhåndsbestemt tid.

Når neshornet har blitt lokalisert og pilt, vil gjestene delta aktivt i aktiviteten, som involverer oppgaver som kan omfatte: montering av sporingskrager, ørehakking, innsamling av blod- og vevsprøver og mikroflising av horn. Denne erfaringen inkluderer ikke avhorningsintervensjoner.

Hver intervensjon tilbyr en unik og enestående opplevelse med ett dyr. Det er viktig å merke seg at med jevn drift kan varigheten variere fra omtrent 30 minutter til 2 timer.

Når intervensjonen er fullført, fjernes bind for øynene og øreproppene, og reverseringsmedikamentet blir gitt til neshornet.

Gjestene får muligheter til å ta bilder, og hvis det er trygt å gjøre det, ta bilder med dyre- og feltteamet. Guiden vil også fotografere gjestenes opplevelse, og disse bildene vil bli gjort tilgjengelige ved retur.

Etter intervensjonen gir bevaringsteamet en debriefing og en «bak kulissene» -omvisning i operasjonsrommet, for en omfattende forståelse av hvordan intervensjonen stemmer overens med bevaringsinnsatsen og hvordan de innsamlede dataene bidrar til årsaken.

Vær oppmerksom på at intervensjonene er begrenset til månedene mellom april og september, på grunn av gunstigere værforhold, som sikrer dyrenes sikkerhet, og det er omtrent 60 aktiviteter som finner sted gjennom året.

R95 000,00
For en gruppe på 15 gjester

April til september

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Marataba Safari Lodge

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