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Sala's Camp


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Da dove parti?

Indicazioni Stradali

Per favore seleziona il luogo di partenza
Four hour drive from Nairobi to Narok Road, then towards Sekenani gate, past Keekorok and on towards Roan Hill.

Head west toward C12

Turn left onto C12Pass by Entrance to Wardens and Staff Housing (on the right in 600 m)

Turn right onto E176

Turn left

Continue straight

Head west toward C12

Turn left onto C12Pass by Entrance to Wardens and Staff Housing (on the right in 600 m)

Turn right onto E176

Turn left

Continue straight

Indicazioni Stradali
Per favore seleziona il luogo di partenza
Four hour drive from Nairobi to Narok Road, then towards Sekenani gate, past Keekorok and on towards Roan Hill.

Head west toward C12

Turn left onto C12Pass by Entrance to Wardens and Staff Housing (on the right in 600 m)

Turn right onto E176

Turn left

Continue straight

Head west toward C12

Turn left onto C12Pass by Entrance to Wardens and Staff Housing (on the right in 600 m)

Turn right onto E176

Turn left

Continue straight

Modulo di richeista

Sala's Camp

*Campi obbligatori

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