The Manor House at Fancourt
latitudine: -33.952394
longitudine: 22.406246
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Fancourt is 7km from the George Airport.
Turn left out of George Airport onto the R404.
At the stop street, drive straight over the R102 and continue on the R404 through farmlands, direction Oudtshoorn.
You will arrive at Fancourt that is situated on your right hand side.
Fancourt is about 350 km from Port Elizabeth – 3,5 hours vehicle travelling time.
Travel on the N2 direction Cape Town.
Take the George Airport / Herald’s Bay turnoff.
Turn right on the R404, and continue past the airport.
At stop street drive straight over the R201 and continue on the R404 through farmlands, direction Oudtshoorn.
You will arrive at Fancourt that is situated on your right.
Fancourt is about 450km from Cape Town – 4,5 hours vehicle travelling time
Travel on the N2 direction Port Elizabeth.
Take the George Airport / Herald’s Bay turnoff.
Turn left on the R404, and continue past the airport.
At stop street drive straight over the R201 and continue on the R404 through farmlands, direction Oudtshoorn.
You will arrive at Fancourt that is situated on your right.