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Soroi Leopards Lair

Day & Night Game Drives

Goditi un'intera o mezza giornata immerso nell'esplorazione della variegata fauna e flora dell'ecosistema di Tsavo West, accompagnato dalla tua guida pronti a seguire il percorso migliore per avvistare la fauna selvatica. Con temperature più calde nel pomeriggio, gli animali sono più attivi al mattino presto; per questo consigliamo di iniziare presto la giornata con una colazione al sacco. Torna al lodge per il pranzo e un riposo pomeridiano, oppure continua l'avventura avvistando gli animali nel pomeriggio, magari facendo una sosta al tramonto per goderti lo splendido spettacolo con la tua bevanda preferita in mano.

Puoi anche optare per un safari notturno dopo cena avvolto nelle calde Shukas (coperte Maasai). L’oscurità notturna è il regno esclusivo di cacciatori come leoni e leopardi, offrendo l'opportunità unica di scorgere creature elusive come l'oritteropo e il melanistico gatto serval di Lumo.

Il tuo veicolo sarà attrezzato con una lampada portatile, perfetta per esplorare la savana alla ricerca di avvistamenti. I bambini di età superiore ai 6 anni sono i benvenuti e potranno godere di questa emozionante esperienza che di solito avviene quando sono già a letto.

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Photographic Hide Experience

Whether you're an amateur photographer or a seasoned professional, Enjoy a unique experience that caters to all skill levels, allowing you to hone your craft and create stunning images in a truly remarkable setting. The hide is free to use during the wet season.

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Private Bush Breakfast

After your bush walk or early morning game drive, enjoy the day's best meal in the heart of nature.

Our chef will prepare a fresh breakfast under a tree, offering stunning views of the Sanctuary.

Savor fruits, juices, hot beverages, and your choice of cooked dishes while relaxing in the bush atmosphere you've just explored.

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Cultural Visit to Taita Village

Trascorri una giornata nella vita del popolo Taita

Al tuo arrivo a Bura, immergiti nella cultura Taita unendoti a loro per un'autentica esperienza di un'intera giornata.

Inizia la tua mattina mungendo una mucca.

Successivamente, fai una breve passeggiata verso l'abitazione dove le donne Taita mostrano come preparano pasti tradizionali con fagioli neri e patate dolci.

Continua il percorso attraverso panorami suggestivi fino ai campi coltivati. Lungo il cammino, impara come i Taita identificano e utilizzano piante medicinali. Osserva come tradizionalmente si lavano i denti e applicano il rossetto utilizzando bastoncini provenienti da un albero speciale.

Assaggia frutti indigeni di stagione che crescono nella zona.

Mentre il cibo cuoce, verranno condivisi approfondimenti sulle tradizioni Taita.

Osserva come trasformano le foglie di Agave in corde. Prova tu stesso a intrecciare un cesto usando questa antica tecnica Taita tramandata attraverso le generazioni.

Prima di tornare al lodge, assisterai e parteciperai alla danza tradizionale "Mwazindika", una danza dedicata agli dei ma anche celebrativa della vita e utilizzata per esorcizzare gli spiriti maligni, specialmente nelle donne. Il suono ipnotico dei loro tamburi fatti in casa ti porterà in un viaggio nel passato.

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Hike Taita Hills

Climb the beautiful Taita Hills. Drive through lush, mountainous Taita, where the climate is perfect and the views stunning over what is known to the locals as ‘ little Switzerland.’ The highest, Vuria (2,300 meters above sea level), is easily identified by the mobile phone mast on top. It is possible to drive to this point. Eyale, on the other hand, is lower and can be climbed on foot.

It takes about 55 minutes of steep walking from where you leave your vehicle to the panoramic view. The vegetation is montane forest, and here you can spot the rare Taita Apalis, the Ross Turacos, the Cabanis Greenbul, and Syke monkeys, among other mammals. We pack a picnic meal on request.

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Visit Shetani Lava Flow and Mzima Springs

Mzima Springs are a series of four natural springs in Tsavo National Park, that produces an incredible 250 million litres of fresh water a day. The source of the spring rises in the Chyulu Hills and provides the bulk of Mombasa’s fresh water. The springs are resident to hippos, Nile crocodiles, and a wide variety of birdlife. There’s an underwater viewing chamber, where you can see the fish, in the clear waters.

‘Shetani’ means ‘devil’ in Kiswahili. The flows were formed a few hundred years ago. The local people believe that it was the devil himself emerging from the earth. This vast expanse of folded black lava spreads for 50 kilometers across the savannah near the Chyulu Hills. The last major eruption here is believed to have taken place around 200 years ago. Nearby are the Shetani Caves, which are also the result of volcanic activity. Picnic lunch included. Park fees are payable direct and not included.

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Night Game Drive

A uniquely specialized event, not generally permitted within the National Parks and Reserves boundaries, is a night game drive, the ultimate safari luxury experience. Leaving the cottage just before or after dinner and setting off to discover the creatures of the night.

Nights are the exclusive domain of the hunters such as Leopards and Lions. It is the only time you can spot elusive nocturnal creatures such as Aardvark, Aardwolf, Pangolin, and Lumo’s melanistic serval cat. The vehicle has a powerful handheld lamp to sweep the bush for sightings. For adults and children above 10 years old.

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Sunset Safari & Sundowner

Embark on a Sunset Safari, where the boundaries between day and night blur, and nature's spectacle unfolds before your eyes. From 5 PM to 8 PM, this journey will take you through the wilderness with an expert guide and spotter, allowing you to witness the transition from golden dusk to velvet darkness.

Around 6:30 PM, the Safari pauses at a strategic spot for a Sundowner, inviting you to toast to the breathtaking sunset. As twilight gives way to night, a spotlight reveals the hidden world of nocturnal creatures, from prowling predators to elusive night birds. With each sighting, you're immersed deeper into the magic of the wild.
Selected drinks included.

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Nature Walk

Explore the diverse ecosystem surrounding Soroi Leopards Lair and uncover the traces of wildlife while gaining insights into the flora and fauna inhabiting the vicinity of the lodge. Accompanied by our expert guide/naturalist, you'll unravel the secrets of animal tracks and signs and learn about the plants, insects, and birds that thrive in this vibrant environment.

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Bush & Bird Walk

Start your day with a stunning African sunrise. Our 4x4 will take you to a safe area in the wilderness. There, guided by knowledgeable Lumo Conservancy rangers, you'll explore the protected area on foot.

You'll discover fascinating things like animal tracks, plants, and birds, with our ranger sharing their insights into the environment they grew up in. Birdwatching enthusiasts will be delighted as they spot various colorful birds flitting among the trees and bushes. With over 1,070 species of birds, Kenya has the second highest country bird list in Africa, while the area around Tsavo West boats 600 recorded species. Lumo Conservancy has several endemic species, such as the globally threatened Taita Thrush, Taita Apalis, Abbott's starling, and the Southern banded Snake Eagle. Rest assured, our vehicle will be close by, ready to provide a comfortable ride back to the lodge if you need a break.
Min. age 12 years

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Soroi Leopards Lair

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