Saruni Samburu
Saruni Samburu
Saruni Samburu in Northern Kenya


Saruni Samburu, Northern Kenya
The stunning Saruni Samburu in all it's glory. Enjoy exploring the exquisite lodge with it's breath-taking 360 degree views over The Kalama Conservancy. With excellent game viewing in both Kalama and The Samburu National Reserve, guided by Samburu Warriors, Saruni Samburu is the ultimate safari experience


Best of Saruni Collection Video
Discover the captivating magic of our Saruni Properties in this three minute 'Best of Saruni' video. Explore our intimate safari lodges in Kenya’s private conservancies, from Samburu to the Masai Mara, offering exclusive experiences of African wildlife, culture & wilderness in partnership with the communities, including the first-ever rhino tracking experience in East Africa. Away from the crowds and off the beaten track, encounter a truly authentic Kenya.


Saruni captures the magic of the remarkable Reteti Elephant Sanctuary.
A two-hour game drive from Saruni Samburu and Saruni Rhino, get an exclusive opportunity to visit the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary. Led by a specially trained team from the local community; orphaned and abandoned elephant calves are rescued with the aim to release them back into the wild herds adjoining the Sanctuary. Witness feeding and playtime at the Sanctuary, as well as an in-depth look behind the scenes.


A Safari Dream: Gliding Over The Saruni Experience
From sunrise to sunset, this video will take you on a journey of incredible views, fascinating culture, teeming wildlife, breath-taking landscapes and magical encounters that are all part of a Saruni safari.


Northern Kenya Through the Lens: A Visual Story of Conservation
This masterpiece captures the essence of how community-based conservation and tourism protect Samburu, its people and its wildlife in a virtuous circle that is making Northern Kenya so special. It is the perfect depiction of what Saruni and its friends stand for. (


Pangolin Photo Safaris at Saruni Samburu by Andreas Knausenberger
All the magic of Samburu, northern Kenya and the beauty of Saruni Samburu safari lodge captured by Andreas Knausenberger’s in this epic film of what happened when Pangolin Photo Safaris ( met Saruni!


The Essence of the Saruni Safari Experience
The lazy, hazy days of the Saruni safari experience awaiting you in our lodges & camps across Kenya. Wallowing hippos, crossing zebras, snacking hyenas, playful ellies and charming, local guides, this evocative film from talented @PhilipDickenson of @yogafornature/#yogafornature, has it all. Sit back and let us take you there.


Happy Samburu Elephants following rains in northern Kenya
You’ve heard the expression – “happy as pigs in muck”, but what about “happy as ellies in the river following much-needed rains”?. After months of drought, there’s happiness in every moment of these contented ellies in an abundant Ewaso Nyiro River in a green and lush Samburu, northern Kenya. Check out the little ones!


Thumb Rock in Kalama Conservancy Time lapse from Saruni Samburu
Thumb Rock in Kalama Conservancy is the landmark that guides you home to the lodge after a day's game drive. Watch how this iconic point of reference changes light throughout the day in this time lapse video from our lodge manager.


Dirk Rees Samburu Warriors singing & dancing


Iconic Samburu taken by a Guest
In this evocative compilation of photos and video created by a guest for our exclusive use, discover the magic of Saruni Samburu, its staff, the community, the wildlife and its surroundings - the Kalama Conservancy. Immerse yourself in this iconic northern Kenya landscape.


Samburu Baby Ellie learning the ropes
Samburu, northern Kenya is famous for its gentle elephant herds which gives any guest visiting Saruni Samburu ( on safari plenty of chances to get up close and personal with our resident ele families. Check out this adorable baby elephant getting to grips, literally, in this amazing technicolour landscape it is lucky enough to call ‘home’. Video credit: Philip Dickenson of Yoga for Nature #yogafornature.