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Big Cave Camp


Welcome to Big Cave Camp Lodge

Escape to a hidden gem bordering Matopos National Park, where tranquility meets the untamed beauty of Matobo Hills Wilderness. A place where tranquility blends with adventure. Guests are collected from Big Cave's car park on arrival and driven in a 4X4 Safari Vehicle for check-in atop a massive granite boulder. Experience exquisite 360 degree views of Matopos National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Start your day with incredible sunrises atop Big Cave Ridge with exquisite views overlooking Matopos National Park. Explore ancient Rock art Cave Paintings and Rhino Trekking on foot among balancing rock formations where wildlife, landscapes and cultures merge. Sophisticated African architecture incorporates colossal boulders into a luxuriously appointed thatched lodge. An ideal haven for those seeking both adventure and tranquility. This is a lodge where solitude blends within an intimate retreat.

Formulaire de demande

Big Cave Camp

*Champs requis

Prénom *
Nom *
Adresse Email *
Numéro de Téléphone *
Pays de Residence
Départ Approximatif
Nbr. de Jours
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