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Shipwreck Lodge

L'adresse physique

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Itinéraire par la route

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Head east on C43/D3706/M128 toward C40

Turn right onto C43

Turn right onto C39

Turn right onto C34/D2302

Sharp right

Driving from Swakopmund

Drive onto the C34 towards Hentiesbay for approximately 69Km.

At Hentiesbay you continue for a further 120Km along the C34 towards the Ugab Gate. Once at the gate, it will be important to show your vouc

Proceed for another 103 Km along the C34 until you reach Torra Bay. From Torra Bay you will continue along the D2302 towards Terrace Bay fo

Finally head north towards Möwe Bay for the final 82 Km. You now have reached the Pick-up point at Möwe Bay.

Itinéraire par la route
Selectionnez un point de départ
Head east on C43/D3706/M128 toward C40

Turn right onto C43

Turn right onto C39

Turn right onto C34/D2302

Sharp right

Driving from Swakopmund

Drive onto the C34 towards Hentiesbay for approximately 69Km.

At Hentiesbay you continue for a further 120Km along the C34 towards the Ugab Gate. Once at the gate, it will be important to show your vouc

Proceed for another 103 Km along the C34 until you reach Torra Bay. From Torra Bay you will continue along the D2302 towards Terrace Bay fo

Finally head north towards Möwe Bay for the final 82 Km. You now have reached the Pick-up point at Möwe Bay.

Formulaire de demande

Shipwreck Lodge

*Champs requis

Prénom *
Nom *
Adresse Email *
Numéro de Téléphone *
Pays de Residence
Départ Approximatif
Nbr. de Jours
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