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Radisson Collection Hotel, Waterfront Cape Town

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Itinéraire par la route

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Itinéraire par la route
Selectionnez un point de départ
From Cape Town International Airport, take Eastern Boulevard (N2) towards Cape Town.

Take the Eastern Boulevard which leads to the Waterfront and Sea Point.

At the second set of traffic lights, turn right into Western Boulevard (M6 Sea Point).

At the first of-ramp turn right into Portswood Road and then first left into Beach Road.

The Radisson SAS Hotel Waterfront Cape Town is approximately 1km Beach Road on the right hand side opposite the golf course.

The entire journey takes approximately 20 minutes.

Formulaire de demande

Radisson Collection Hotel, Waterfront Cape Town

*Champs requis

Prénom *
Nom *
Adresse Email *
Numéro de Téléphone *
Pays de Residence
Départ Approximatif
Nbr. de Jours
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