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Boschendal Farm

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Werf Garden Studio - Small Cottage

Werf Garden Suite - Large Cottage

Orchard's Cottages - One bedroom cottage

Orchard's Cottages - Two bedroom/ Two bathroom cottage

Orchard's Premium Cottages - Two bedroom/ Two bathroom cottage

Orchard's Cottages - Three bedroom

Orchard's Cottages - Four bedroom

The Retreat

Cow Shed Cottage

Cottage 1685

Mountain Villa

Clarence Cottage

Cottage 1685

Mountain Villa

The Tree house Playground and Pump Track

Horse Riding

Mountain Biking & Hiking

Wine tasting Werf (walkins only) & Cellar Door (bookings/larger groups only)

Garden Tour

Art Gallery

Friday Night Market

Werf Restaurant

The Deli

Werf Farm Picnic

Farmshop & Butchery- Homeware@Werf

Formulaire de demande

Boschendal Farm

*Champs requis

Prénom *
Nom *
Adresse Email *
Numéro de Téléphone *
Pays de Residence
Départ Approximatif
Nbr. de Jours
Commentaires ou Questions