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The Turbine Boutique Hotel & Spa


Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content.

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel

Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt

Turbine Boutique Hotel & Spa

Ubicado en la isla Thesen de Knysna, Sudáfrica, el Turbine Hotel and Spa rebosa diversión, extravagancia y una singularidad sin igual. Antiguamente una central eléctrica, este excepcional hotel boutique ha sufrido una transformación meticulosa, combinando a la perfección la maquinaria antigua con su diseño lujoso y eficiente desde el punto de vista energético. Con su ubicación privilegiada a lo largo de la prestigiosa Garden Route, el Turbine Hotel es un testimonio del legado y el compromiso de Knysna con la sostenibilidad ambiental, gracias a sus innovadoras prácticas de reutilización y ahorro de energía.

Formulario de Consulta

The Turbine Boutique Hotel & Spa

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Apellido *
Correo Electrónico *
Número de Teléfono *
País de Residencia
Salida Aproximada
Nº de días
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