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Manyara Ranch Conservancy

Manyara Conservancy is a 35000 acre exclusive-use wilderness area accessible only to guests staying at the classic tented safari camp. Situated close to Tarangire National Park on the Eastern side of Lake Manyara, the comfortable 8-tent camp has a range of activities on offer, including game drives in open vehicles, professionally guided bush walks, night drives, game viewing from hides, visits to the local Maasai community and day trips to Tarangire National Park. 

Situated outside the Parks, visitors have more freedom to explore on foot and off-road if so desired. A number of dams on the property attract wildlife including elephant, buffalo, lion and a host of other species. This is probably one of the best areas in which to find Lesser Kudu within Tanzania's northern safari circuit. 

Manyara Conservancy partners with Monduli District Council which since the end of 2016 is the land owner, taking over from Tanzania Land Conservation Trust. The council seeks to secure the long term wilderness habitat and migration corridor, for the benefit of neighboring communities supported by African Wildlife Foundation and Honeyguide Foundation.

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Manyara Ranch Conservancy

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