Savuti Camp
Credit: Dana Allen
Savuti Camp
Elephant gather at the waterhole in front of camp
Savuti Camp
Credit: Dana Allen
Savuti Camp
Credit: Dana Allen
Savuti is situated on the Savute Channel, a sporadic and mysterious watercourse
Savuti Camp
Credit: Dana Allen
Savuti Camp
Credit: Dana Allen
Savuti Camp
Double Room
Savuti Camp
The Savute area harbours one of the densest dry-season concentrations of elephant in Africa
Savuti Camp
Plains Zebra
Savuti Camp
Red Lechwe antelope
Savuti Camp
Leopard makeing use of a high vantage point
Savuti Camp
African Wild Dog
Savuti Camp
Savuti Camp
Savuti Landscape
Savuti Camp
Predator-Prey Interaction
Wilderness Savuti
Savuti means ‘mystery,’ and the fascination with this wild, unpredictable channel has attracted travellers and explorers for years.
Wilderness Savuti
Huge herds of buffalo congregate along the channel here.
Wilderness Savuti
The Linyanti is famous for its lion pride dynamics.
Wilderness Savuti
Subject to the availability of a qualified walking guide, explore the area on foot, and observe the many signs of the wild.
Wilderness Savuti
Enjoy dinner overlooking the seasonally flowing channel.
Wilderness Savuti
At Savuti, your dining companions take a number of forms.
Wilderness Savuti
Credit: Dana Allen
Family-style dining is always a wonderful safari experience.
Wilderness Savuti
The Savuti area is famous for its amazing elephant sightings.
Wilderness Savuti
The behaviour manifested by mating lions is always fascinating.
Wilderness Savuti
To see a mating pair of lions is always a thrill.
Wilderness Savuti
Mating pair of lions on a mission.
Wilderness Savuti
Credit: Dana Allen
The area is as famous for wild dog sightings as it is for lions and elephants.
Wilderness Savuti
The log pile hide in front of camp is positioned at a popular waterhole.
Wilderness Savuti
Why leave camp when you can go game viewing from the pool?
Wilderness Savuti
A fresh perspective on the waterhole in front of camp.
Wilderness Savuti
With just six tented rooms, the camp promises and intimate and authentic safari.
Wilderness Savuti
Pensive lioness at last light.
Wilderness Savuti
Prides of lions follow the vast numbers of prey in the area.
Wilderness Savuti
When the channel is flowing, the cats have to get their feet wet.
Wilderness Savuti
The well-stocked bar offers another excellent vantage point for in-camp game spotting.
Wilderness Savuti
The indoor dining area features a screen documenting the 'mysterious' flow of the ephemeral channel.
Wilderness Savuti
Savuti's Star Bed sleep-out is an unmisable safari experience.