A view of the front of the Entamanu mess
Guests enjoy the morning view from the Entamanu mess
Breakfast with a view in the Entamanu mess
Sundowners are poured in the bar at Entamanu
A waiter walks past the warming fire in the dining area
A waiter walks past a window in the Entamanu mess
Perfect evening with guests chatting in the Entamanu mess
Morning coffee, and conversation, in one of the two sitting rooms at the Entamanu mess
Relaxing in the afternoon in one of the sitting rooms at Entamanu
Cottage-style room
Twin bedroom
Family unit with connected bedrooms
Walking in the highlands
Walking on the Crater rim
Walking safari
Maasai dance with guests
Ngorongoro highlands
Incredible wildlife
Giraffe on the rim
View from Entamanu Ngorongoro
Lions in the Crater
Elephant in the Crater