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  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    tent 2 / 'roof of the rondawel'
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    dawn view from tent deck
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    sunrise over the bed, Hambukushu basketry motifs on headboard
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    view from vanity and outdoor shower
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions (Jamie Thom)
    the lounge in evening light, bar clad in Hambukushu basketry patterns
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions (Chris Roche)
    Karangoma evening campfire
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    Karangoma dining area
  • Karangoma - camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    view across dining area towards lounge
  • Karangoma - game drive

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    out onto the floodplains in search of wildlife in the morning light
  • Karangoma - game drive

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    the Karangoma woodlands are beautiful and harbour interesting species like sable and roan
  • Karangoma - game drive

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    game viewing on the Karangoma floodplains
  • Karangoma - mokoro outing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    the silent progress of the mokoro is a central part of its appeal
  • Karangoma - mokoro outing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    traditional poling method for the mokoro
  • Karangoma - mokoro outing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    the waters of the Okavango are enchantingly clear
  • Karangoma - boating

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    boating along the Magwegqana Channel
  • Karangoma - walking safari

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    walking safari out onto the wide open floodplains, haunt of zebra, wildebeest, tsessebe and more
  • Karangoma - walking safari

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    'whatever you do, don't run'
  • Karangoma - walking safari

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    guided walking safari through the savannah
  • Karangoma - walking safari

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    cooling dip in the waters of the Okavango during a walking safari
  • Karangoma - bush dining

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    novel (and cooling) bush lunch in the waters of the Okavango
  • Karangoma - bush dining

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    zebra herd on the edge of the woodlands
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    majestic kudu bull in the woodlands
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    large herds of elephant utilise both the floodplain and the woodland
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    lioness surveying her domain and potential lechwe prey
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    stately giraffe seeking the midday shade
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    the woodlands of the Karangoma area mean that both roan and sable are regularly seen
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    high densities of zebra move onto the floodplains at the beginning of the dry season
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    big elephant bull feeding along the edge of the Okavango
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    red lechwe rams on the edge of the marshes
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    buffalo bull on game drive
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    baboon foraging on water lily tuber
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    lioness of the Karangoma Pride lying up after a kill
  • Karangoma - game viewing

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    elephant bull, red lechwe and zebra herd on the floodplains
  • Karangoma - landscape

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    the shimmering, sinuous path of the Magwegqana Channel
  • Karangoma - landscape

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Melanie van Zyl)
    elephant bulls along the Magwegqana Channel