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Lale’s Camp

  • Lale's Camp - main area

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    the main area dining and lounge is set in deep shade just back from the banks of the Omo River
  • Lale's Camp - main area

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    main area dining under fig and tamarind trees
  • Lale's Camp - main area

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    main area relaxation (with observant colobus) on banks of Omo River
  • Lale's Camp - main area interior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    main area set for lunch
  • Lale's Camp - tent exterior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    one of 7 tents overlooking Omo River
  • Lale's Camp - tent interior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    spacious tent interior maximising air flow
  • Lale's Camp - tent interior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    views from tent onto the adjacent Omo River
  • Lale's Camp - tent exterior and interior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    view from shaded 'patio' into tent
  • Lale's Camp - shaded tents

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    the 7 tents are set back from the edge of the Omo River in deep shade
  • Lale's Camp - main area interior

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    dining area prepared for lunch with views towards Omo River (and grivet monkey in background)
  • Lale's Camp - exploration by boat

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    Lale's Camp is a base for further exploration by boat, vehicle or on foot to isolated traditional settllements
  • Lale's Camp - outing to Hamar homestead

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    Lale's Camp is a base for further exploration by vehicle, boat or on foot to isolated traditional settllements
  • Lale's Camp - Kara tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Kate Malone)
    the Kara people live in just three villages along the banks of the Omo River, one of which is within walking distance of Lale's Camp
  • Lale's Camp - Kara tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    regular celebratory gathering of the Kara take place near Lale's Camp and are accessible to our guests
  • Lale's Camp - Kara tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    intricate gender defined dances are a key part of celebratory gatherings
  • Lale's Camp - Kara tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    Kara dance celebration
  • Lale's Camp - Kara tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    spontaneous painting of guest face in Kara style
  • Lale's Camp - Hamar tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    early morning at a Hamar homestead
  • Lale's Camp - Hamar tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    early morning hustle and bustle at a Hamar homestead
  • Lale's Camp - Hamar tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    genuine interaction and exchange of life perspectives and experience
  • Lale's Camp - Hamar tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    intimate insights into day to day life
  • Lale's Camp - Hamar tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    the Hamar are pastoralists with livestock like goats and cattle
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (James McCulloch)
    genuine interaction and exchange of life perspectives and experience
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    Mursi women in typical garb
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    Mursi woman without lip plate at homestead
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    scarification is an important part of Mursi culture
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi tribal culture

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    stick-fighting is an important part of Mursi culture
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi fly camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    in order to engage with the Mursi we set up an overnight fly camp far upstream from Lale's Camp
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi fly camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    in order to engage with the Mursi we set up an overnight fly camp far upstream from Lale's Camp
  • Lale's Camp - Mursi fly camp

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Jamie Thom)
    in order to engage with the Mursi we set up an overnight fly camp far upstream from Lale's Camp
  • Lale's Camp - wildlife

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    guereza colobus are resident in camp and regularly seen along the banks of the river
  • Lale's Camp - wildlife

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    the density of Pel's fishing owl along the banks of the Omo River is high and impressive
  • Lale's Camp - 'wildlife'

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    large goat herds come down to the river to drink in clouds of dust - they are vulnerable to both the crocodiles here and the hyaenas further inland
  • Lale's Camp - wildlife

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    large crocodiles are ever present on the banks of the Omo and regularly take livestock
  • Lale's Camp - wildlife

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    de Brazza's monkey is a low density species restricted (in this area) to the riverine forests along the banks of the Omo River
  • Lale's Camp - wildlife

    Credit: Wild Expeditions Africa (Chris Roche)
    the Egyptian plover is a sought-after bird species regularly seen on exposed sandbanks