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Vineyard Hotel

  • Terrace and garden

    Terrace and garden
  • Swimming Pool

    Swimming Pool
  • Lawns and fountain

    Lawns and fountain
  • Indoor Pool

    warm in winter
  • Courtyard Deluxe Room

    Courtyard Deluxe Room
  • Mountain Facing Room

    Mountain Facing Room
  • Mountain Deluxe Room

    with small semi-private patio
  • Mountain Facing Suite

    Dining and lounge area
  • Two Bedroom Deluxe River Apartment

    Deluxe Apartment Bedroom
  • Teo Bedroom Deluxe River Apartment Lounge

    Deluxe Apartment Lounge
  • Three Bedroom Garden Deluxe Apartment exterior

  • Deluxe River Apartment Bedroom

  • Deluxe River Apartment kitchen

  • The Square Restaurant

    All Day Dining Restaurant
  • Gardens with Fountain

    view from the Terrace
  • Sustainability is key to everything we do

    Sustainability is key to everything we do
  • Hotel exterior

    Historic exterior
  • Pool

  • Swimming pool

    Swimming Pool
  • Mountain views

    Mountain views
  • The Square Restaurant

    The Square Restaurant
  • Aerial with solar panels

    Aerial photo of property
  • Reception

  • Aerial photo

  • Conference Centre

Enquiry Form

Vineyard Hotel

*Required fields

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Country of Residence
Approximate Departure
No. of days
Comments or Questions