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Ximuwu Lodge

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Driving directions

Please select a start location
Turn left out of Eastgate Airport

Onto the Argyle Rd

Drive for approximately 1.5km

Turn left at the Klaserie Nature Reserve, Xikankaneni gate sign board

Continue on the gravel road for approximately 8km

Enter the Reserve through the Xikankaneni gate entrance

Follow the Ximuwu lodge sign boards for approximately 3km

Do not use GPS or Google maps - as this will take you to the wrong gate

Driving directions
Please select a start location
Turn left out of Eastgate Airport

Onto the Argyle Rd

Drive for approximately 1.5km

Turn left at the Klaserie Nature Reserve, Xikankaneni gate sign board

Continue on the gravel road for approximately 8km

Enter the Reserve through the Xikankaneni gate entrance

Follow the Ximuwu lodge sign boards for approximately 3km

Do not use GPS or Google maps - as this will take you to the wrong gate

Enquiry Form

Ximuwu Lodge

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Country of Residence
Approximate Departure
No. of days
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