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Manyara Ranch Conservancy

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Driving directions

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Take the road West towards Makuyuni.

From Makuyuni, continue west 10km to the first speed bumps

Turn Right onto the dirt track towards lake Manyara

Follow the signs to camp which is 6 km from the tarmac road

Head northwest on Tarangire Rd

Tarangire Rd turns slightly right and becomes Tarangire Rd

Turn right onto A 104 and drive towards Makuyuni 16 km

At the speed bumps, turn left onto the dirt track towards Manyara

Follow the signs to camp which is 6 km from the tarmac road

Drive 6 km to the Tarangire Road A104

Driving directions
Please select a start location
Take the road West towards Makuyuni.

From Makuyuni, continue west 10km to the first speed bumps

Turn Right onto the dirt track towards lake Manyara

Follow the signs to camp which is 6 km from the tarmac road

Head northwest on Tarangire Rd

Tarangire Rd turns slightly right and becomes Tarangire Rd

Turn right onto A 104 and drive towards Makuyuni 16 km

At the speed bumps, turn left onto the dirt track towards Manyara

Follow the signs to camp which is 6 km from the tarmac road

Drive 6 km to the Tarangire Road A104

Enquiry Form

Manyara Ranch Conservancy

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